Natalie Wiesnet
We Like Tall Boys
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2019

One of my favorite parts about it finally being summer is that we finally get to indulge in SUMMER BEERS! I love a good (not too) sweet beer, cider, shandy, or anything that’s conducive to sipping while sitting on a porch or beach. With it finally being (and feeling like) summer in Syracuse, that can only mean one thing — the release of Sam Adams Summer Ale.

This particular afternoon, we had an unexpected half-day from work, so I decided to commemorate the occasion by venturing down to a local hot-spot: Dinosaur Bar-B-Que with my husband. The first thing I did when I walked into the restaurant was to look up at the beer specials board, and lo and behold… Sam Summer Ale was up there.

It’s officially the most wonderful time of the year. Bless.

Beer name: Sam Adams Summer Ale

Brewery, city, and country of origin: Sam Adams Brewing Company, Bostom, MA

Year created: First introduced around 1996; BUT has a brand new formulation as of THIS YEAR!

ABV: 5.3% ABV

Cost: $9.99 for a six-pack of bottles

Enjoying a Sam Summer draft at Dinosaur Bar-B-Que in Syracuse

Taste: Let me tell you what, fam — Sam Summer Ale gets tastier each time you have it (though I suppose in this particular instance, it may be because of the reformulation of the beer? Who can say…) This beer is like summer in a frosted glass; it’s sweet, citrus-y, light, and easy to drink. The beer color is golden and crisp, which is synonymous with how it tastes. It also has a sweet aftertaste which is very satisfying paired with a savory meal like the one I’m currently enjoying.

I don’t know what else to say, y’all. This beer is great.

How Do I Feel? I feel super satisfied and happy! I got a classic chicken sandwich and french fries along with this beer, and I couldn’t think of a better pairing. The sun is shining, I’m working a half day, and everything is just *chef’s kiss*

I truly could not think of a better way to spend a Friday afternoon than with my husband having a wonderful meal on a super warm and sunny day. I’m also super excited for my first Sam Summer of the season to finally be on the blog. I truly cannot believe we’ve been active for almost 2 years (we don’t fully count the first year though…) and I never thought to review this beer! Shame on me.

Better late than never, I suppose!

Poundability: Since this beer is rather light, I would say it’s totally poundable — I’d rate it an 8/10

When To Drink Sam Adams Summer Ale: Since this beer is only available in the summer, that’s exactly when you should drink it. I wish this beer was available year-round, but I guess having it only be available in the summer makes it a bit more special.

I’d suggest drinking this when you’re doing stereotypical summer activities — when you’re front-porch sitting, going on a picnic, at a beach, while playing Spikeball, frisbee, golf… the list goes on and on. You get the idea. I tend to try to stock up pretty regularly when I’m at my local Wegman’s because it’s a rather easy beer to find, and you can get it in both cans and bottles for a reasonable price!

Overall Rating: 9.5/10 This beer is light enough to pair easily with most meals and snacks, won’t make you super burpy, and has a sweet flavor that is satisfying and super yummy. The only reason this beer doesn’t get a full 10/10 because it’s not available year-round.

Many apologies for not posting last week, WLTB fam. The summer freelance struggle is R E A L, and ya girl was far too busy to drink fun beers, let alone review them. That’s the real shame in all of this, am I right?

But never fear — Erin and I are super committed to publishing some super awesome content over the summer season, full of fun outdoors-y photos featuring great brews and lots of green grass and sunsets. Get ready!

Want to be the first to know what we’re up to? Go and click that post notification button at the top of this page so you get notified each time we post. You can also follow us over on Instagram and keep up with our adventures and can appreciation photos. We’d also love for y’all to help us pick which beers to drink next, so feel free to slide into our DMs with your suggestions. As the legend himself Troy Bolton said: “We’re all in this together.”



