Natalie Wiesnet
We Like Tall Boys
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2019

Along with fries and build-your-own 6-packs, one of my absolute favorite things in life is a Friday lunch beer. There aren’t many things quite as satisfying as starting off your weekend a little earlier by grabbing a cold beer on your lunch break. I don’t make a habit of drinking during the work day (even though the company I work for has absolutely no problems with us drinking in the office), but sometimes you just wanna let loose. You know?

This particular Friday, a group of the ladies with whom I work wandered downtown for lunch and a drink together to celebrate the end of another long work week. I, of course, decided to get an oldie but goodie to help brighten my spirits and the cold, grey Syracuse winter day.

Beer name: Samuel Adams Winter Lager

City and country of origin: Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Year created: 1989

ABV: 5.6%

Cost: $15.99 for a 12-pack

Taste: Aside from the atrocious pour that this bartender gave me, the first thing I noticed about this beer was the medium to dark brown/red color of the beer along with a really creamy head. The first sip was really refreshing — very flavorful, not too sweet, and I kinda got a mellow chocolatey taste. I did a little bit of research prior to writing this blog post and while a lot of people say they get a holiday spice flavor, I don’t really pick up on those notes. For me, I get more hints of orange than spice. But who can say — you try this beer and let me know what you taste and then we can compare notes.

How do I feel? I feel satisfied with my beer. The thing that keeps sticking with me was how much trouble the bartender has pouring it! I know the afternoon isn’t always a rush for pouring draft beers, but dang. I’ve seen better beer pours at a frat party.

The reason I bring up the pouring debacle is because the outside of the glass is a bit sticky from all the overflow beer and that’s kind of detracting from my enjoyment of the beverage. Oh well.

Aside from that, I feel extremely happy to be spending time with some amazing coworker and sharing a meal and a beer amongst friends. Good vibes all around.

When to drink Sam Adams Winter Lager: Because this is a seasonal beer that’s only available between November to January-ish, you really have to get it while you can. The great thing about this beer is that Sam Adams varieties are available in virtually every restaurant and bar, so even though you can’t get it year-round, you can get it almost anywhere when it’s in season. I recommend this be a beer you drink during social functions because it’s flavorful enough to leave you satisfied while not being so heavy or alcoholic that you can have more than one easily.

Overall rating: 8/10. While it may not be anything super fancy, Sam Adams Winter Lager is a solid choice for anyone who loves a flavorful and tasty beer that’s easy to drink, cheap, and readily available. Pro tip from me though: to me, this one tastes better from the tap than from a can or bottle.

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