I don’t know quite what this needs to be yet

Art of the Work
Published in
1 min readAug 22, 2017

But I know it needs to exist. I write a lot of meta/Good Wrestling Opinions in other internet communities. On one of the sites I frequent, I specifically have managed to fall into a Mirror Universe wrestling community, where a large majority of the inhabitants are women. Many of my friends there are people of color, many of us are queer, many are disabled or deal with mental illness. It’s a little jarring, honestly: The perspectives I see flourish there are often unwelcome, mocked, shouted down, or never voiced at all in other spaces. As a result, this little community is fairly insular, and I think should probably stay that way so that those perspectives can have a place they can actually be discussed rather than having to fight to be taken seriously.

But, the differences between the discussions I see taking place in that community and the ones I see on mainstream Wrestling Internets are vast and valuable. I think the Wrestling Internets need more voices like the ones I mentioned above. I’d eventually like to have other contributors who are women, LGBTQIA, people of color, etc. I’d like to start a podcast and eventually an entire feminist, social-justice-y wrestling commentary empire that would rankle fragile dudebros and enrich everyone else. For now, I’m going to start putting my wrestling writing here, and asserting that people from marginalized groups deserve to love wrestling too.



Art of the Work

Thirst, Lulz, Needlessly Academic Claptrap | Golden Lovers Truther | Internet Person