An Angel in a Wrinkled Wrapper — byline Darrel Boyd

WE PAW Bloggers Ezine — Issue 14 April 2024

Author, D. Denise Dianaty
WE PAW Bloggers
Published in
8 min readApr 14, 2024


The theme for this prompt may be fiction or non-fiction in the form of a narrative or a poem. The prompt is to write about the everyday angels in our lives. Write about a pet or a person who was there at a low point, someone who brings joy into your life, someone who has made all the difference in your life.

As always, this prompt is only for members of the WE PAW Bloggers group on Facebook. However, the events in the storytelling must NOT be paranormal. Submissions may be up to 1000 words. This prompt runs through 31 May 2024.

Photo by the Darrel Boyd with Adobe Photoshop

An Angel in a Wrinkled Wrapper

Hank was an old scourge of a man, divorced a couple of times over and getting more bitter with each and every slow day he had to wake up. He wasn’t always so bitter. Over the years, he went from youth and love with all the trappings of intertwined bliss to a gradual stripping away of each component he needed to have what he wished for in a full life.

He was angry, and he blamed himself. Even though each good thing was pulled away, he couldn’t help wondering “If I was just strong enough; I would be happy with a wife and kids.”



Author, D. Denise Dianaty
WE PAW Bloggers

"Life's joys are found in the small moments. Never let those moments pass uncelebrated. Embrace the joy!"~MomzillaNC