Bucket List

An Anti-Bucket List — 2024

The Top 20 Things I NEVER Want to Do

Author, D. Denise Dianaty
WE PAW Bloggers
Published in
6 min readMay 25, 2024


A few folks have encouraged me to take the anti-bucket list challenge. My understanding is that it’s saying what you intend never to do again. Never say never — sometimes, circumstances conspire to make never inevitable.

However, experience has taught me there are things I would never want to do. And, aging has made other things nigh on impossible now. So after reading Kathy Minicozzi’s contribution to this challenge, I decided to give it whirl too.

Abstract art created in Adobe Photoshop with photos by the author

Anti-Bucket List

What we want to do in life changes over time, altered by maturing attitudes and, let’s be frank, our aging bodies. For example, I wanted to go hang gliding one day or skydiving, but my disabilities have forced me to rethink those desires. Long ago, I wanted to be a fashion designer — I even took a Bachelor’s in it; however, a more mature eyed perspective of the fashion industry dimmed that goal.

Here are the top 20 things I never want to do

  1. I don’t want to have to move again.
    We had to leave our home in Missouri after we lost the café. Even though our home was in no way connected to the business, the courts denied us bankruptcy filing for the business because of…



Author, D. Denise Dianaty
WE PAW Bloggers

"Life's joys are found in the small moments. Never let those moments pass uncelebrated. Embrace the joy!"~MomzillaNC