You Named Me ‘Friend’ — byline Author, D. Denise Dianaty

WE PAW Bloggers Ezine — Issue 10 April 2024

Author, D. Denise Dianaty
WE PAW Bloggers
Published in
6 min readApr 10, 2024


The theme for this prompt may be fiction or non-fiction. As always, this prompt is only for members of the WE PAW Bloggers group on Facebook. Members are asked to compose a story or poem, of up to 1000 words, about the everyday angels in our lives.

They are asked tell us about a pet or a person who was there at a low point, or who brought joy in a moment of need. Or, they may write a poem or a fictional narrative about an everyday angel experience, about an encounter with kindness and empathy in a day-to-day situation. However, the events in the storytelling must NOT be paranormal. This prompt runs through 31 May 2024.

Image created in Adobe Photoshop with a photo and original artwork by the author.

This is a poem about a constant angel in my life, the sister of my heart, who led me forward, showed me the path to spiritual growth and a deeper Faith in God and in humanity.

You Named Me ‘Friend’

You found me cold and held my hand
Showed me how to find true home
I was at my end, you gave me hope
You shone a light into my reality,
Revealing truth, you gave me sanity
Made me welcome, let me belong,
Taught me loyalty, called me friend



Author, D. Denise Dianaty
WE PAW Bloggers

"Life's joys are found in the small moments. Never let those moments pass uncelebrated. Embrace the joy!"~MomzillaNC