Ready to Start

David Aron Levine
Progress through sharing.
1 min readOct 9, 2014

I’m about to be a father.

I don’t think I can possibly grasp the magnitude of what that means, but I’m starting to appreciate life with a newfound sense of presence and awareness as I approach this moment in time.

Realizing that life is not about me is opening up new avenues of power that simply emerge by letting go.

This might sound like gobbledygook (who knows, maybe it is!), but the world seems to be opening up the more I let it take control and drive me forward.

As me and my beautiful, brilliant, powerful, resilient, competent, kind, thoughtful, caring, too-good-to-be-true wife head into these final hours before the birth of our daughter, I’m also beginning to realize that there are many more quiet believers than there are loud doubters.

And that in these quiet moments of grace and wonder, I feel so incredibly grateful to be here. Living this dream. Doing my small part to nudge things just a little further along with all of you.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

We’re just about to get started.


