The Divine Feminine and Masculine

David Aron Levine
Progress through sharing.
2 min readMar 14, 2018

There has been a growing movement over the last few years of folks who have begun to recognize the embodiment of the Divine Feminine in various ways across our society. From individuals like Kaia Ra to movements like the Women’s March and #MeToo, there has been an increasing energy and vibrancy around the elevation of Feminine energy and power over the last few years, and this has been an expression of the Divinity among us.

This movement of increasing recognition and embodiment of the Divine Feminine has also materialized on an individual level with men in our generation getting “in touch” with the Feminine parts of themselves. We each have masculine and feminine tendencies, and the feminine side has been suppressed for many men throughout their lives. Being more fully integrated with our feminine side is important as it enables us to be supportive of the growing movement of the Divine Feminine here in our time.

That being said, it is important for us men to remember that embodying the Divine Masculine is also a part of our role here on earth. While fighting for our mothers and daughters and sisters and wives we must also remember that our masculinity is also Divine and important to express and elevate in a way that can be an example for those others walking among us. This message can be uncomfortable in this time of increased focus on the Divine Feminine, but we must not lose sight of this on an individual and collective basis.

A fully integrated Male and Female Divinity in each one of us and collectively here on earth will be the path forward for an elevated consciousness and way of being of peace and love for all. We will achieve this through our own individual practice and example and through having courage to recognize our own Divinity and to express it to one another each day.

For this I pray.


