Six days. 150-plus miles.

The Sahara Desert …

Injured Vet to Brave Toughest Footrace on Earth

Bob Woodruff Foundation
Writing for Heroes
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2015


Injured Army veteran Mark Wise will join Walking With the Wounded to tackle the Marathon des Sables, a grueling race through one of the world’s most inhospitable climates — the Sahara Desert, April 3–13.

Competitors in the Marathon des Sables will actually take on five and a half marathons in five or six days. The rules require them to be self-sufficient, carrying everything they need to survive on their back.

Learn more about Mark’s Walking With the Wounded team here. The logo is the registered trademark of Walking With the Wounded.

Mark is the only American on the team, representing his country in support of our injured service members and their families. He is being sponsored by the Bob Woodruff Foundation, which is dedicated to ensuring that post-9/11 injured service members, veterans and their families are thriving long after they return home.

Mark graduated from the United States Air Force Academy in 2007 and elected to be commissioned into the U.S. Army. He served as an infantry officer in the First Battalion, Twelfth Infantry Regiment, Fourth Infantry Division, Red Warriors. Prior to serving as a platoon leader, he completed Airborne and Ranger training in Fort Benning, Ga.

Mark was injured by an IED blast while serving in Afghanistan, in 2009. The entire front half of Mark’s body armor was blown off his torso. The equipment managed to protect his chest and stomach during the blast; however, he did suffer burns, required some facial reconstruction, and a partial hand/forearm amputation.

Mark firmly believes that his duty to serve continues for life.

“As a leader of soldiers your responsibility never ends. I feel obligated to continue to set the example for those who follow, not only in my footsteps as a wounded service member, but also for those returning home from combat.”

Along with Mark’s commitment to advocacy for other service members, he has continued in his own rehabilitation and development both physically and professionally.

Upon retiring from the Army, he completed a Masters in Business Administration from Georgetown University, focusing in finance. Mark was also a participant on WWTW’s 2013 expedition to the South Pole. A variety of outdoor activities fill time between work and family life, facilitating continued physical growth and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

His journey will not be easy, but Mark is ready for the challenge. Show your support and share his story.

The Marathon des Sables is ranked by the Discovery Channel as the toughest footrace on earth.



Bob Woodruff Foundation
Writing for Heroes

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