We, the Exiles, the Refugees, the Migrants, and the Immigrants in and of this World

A new thing does not come to she who sits, but to she who travels.
An African proverb

Either because of ongoing political, ethnic, religious or gender persecution or because of having received too much education which cannot be used back home or just looking for better socio-economic or career opportunities in the much more developed North

We, the exiles, the refugees, the migrants, and the immigrants in and of this world of ours

Forever really homeless when and even after we have found new homes

Placeless, and homeless, even when we have eventually after constantly moving around

From one place to another, ultimately decide to settle in a specific new place somewhere

Restless even after our exilic wandering ways have impatiently moved on without us

While always endlessly trying to adapt and to adjust to a new everyday life in the last place

Constantly searching for new beginnings and for new roots all the while feeling the unceasing gravitational pull of the still continually reverberating old ones after such a long time

We, the exiles, the refugees, the migrants, and the immigrants in and of this world of ours

Some of whom, who will become the real creators and inventors of our better new world to come

Forever really stateless even after we have eventually obtained a new Northern nationality

We, the real cosmopolitan inhabitants, of this tensely evolving new world constantly carrying the old worlds along with us wherever we go all the while regularly stitching together a truly new globalized multicultural and multi-ethnic world in our very beings and out of our respective always restlessly comparing and contrasting fluid imaginings from everywhere

Tirelessly searching for new and for enduring family ties amidst the turmoil of an ongoing and of an often very vexed endless process of ongoing alienation and of adaptation.

©Gregory Gilbert Gumbs



Gregory Gilbert Gumbs
We, the Exiles, the Refugees, the Migrants, and the Immigrants in and of this World

Gregory Gilbert Gumbs is a lawyer, criminologist, screenwriter, widely-published poet, essayist and a Ph.D. political scientist.