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A recap of United Nations-related work cited as top performers in the 2016 “State of Digital Diplomacy” review

Nancy Groves
We The Peoples
3 min readApr 9, 2017


The recently-launched The State of Digital Diplomacy 2016#SODD16 – is an inclusive and comprehensive year in review. So, it’s no surprise to me, as an avid (read: obsessive) follower of all things related to social media and diplomacy around the United Nations, to see so much of the work of our dedicated and talented colleagues included in this “index-style playbook.”

While the UN System is cited in several entries, below is a list of selected blog posts that may be of interest to those working in the intergovernmental sphere, followed by a list of UN honourees.

Blog posts

Unpacking the Role of Images in Digital Diplomacy / Corneliu Bjola

Digital Diplomacy at the General Secretariat of the European Council / Alexandra Ekkelenkamp

Challenges faced by international organizations working in the social media sphere in 2016 / Nancy Groves (me!)

NATO and Digital Diplomacy in 2017 / Tacan İldem

Delivering digital diplomacy in a changing — and challenging — world / Sean Larkins

The challenge for digital diplomacy is to move from public conversations to private / Jimmy Leach

On the use of narratives and images in Digital Diplomacy / Ilan Manor

Digital Diplomacy In 2016: The Need For Strategy / Shaun Riordan

Digital Diplomacy beyond the Diplomat / Diana Santana

— See also: all #SODD16 blogs

UN honourees

Tools and apps

Best humanitarian tracker: ReliefWeb
Best international organization app: Zika (World Health Organization)

Social media content

Best Instagram post of the year: United Nations

Best Facebook “live” interview: Nancy Groves and Karen AbuZayd at the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants

Media and publications

Second best year-in-review article: “The United Nations and social media” — Nancy Groves

Best live coverage of the year: The UN Debate — Al Jazeera


Best celebrity activist: UN Messenger of Peace Leonardo Di Caprio

Best digital space diplomat: UNOOSA Champion for Space Commander Scott Kelly

Data & analytics

Best data partnership: Twitter and UN Global Pulse

Campaigns & projects

Best digital cultural diplomacy: UNESCO #Unite4Heritage

Best joint project: Project Everyone and UN Sustainable Development Goals

Best connectivity project: UNHCR

Ministries & Organizations & Embassies

Best international organization Instagram user: United Nations


Best Global Cybersecurity Report of the Year: Global Cybersecurity Index — ITU

Ministers & Diplomats

Best Team Leader of the Year: Nancy Groves

Web content

Best Web TV: United Nations

— To see all the rankings, click on “categories” at the left-hand side.

Thank you to Gökhan Yücel, Mustafa Özcan, Ali Sağlam and all their colleagues for putting this list together as way to energize and encourage those of us toiling away in this high-stress, multilingual, constantly changing, 24/7 digital world. It’s heartening to see our work cited as a key way to drive effective digital engagement everywhere, with the aim of resulting in a more connected world with high-quality civic engagement.

Also here on Medium:

“We the peoples:” voices from around the United Nations system

“Digital Diplomacy:” updates curated by Andreas Sandre on social media, technology and innovation in foreign policy



Nancy Groves
We The Peoples

Head of #socialUN for @UN Dept of Public Info, Brooklyn soccer mom, tweets on digital comms, #digitaldiplomacy.