UN responds to war in Ukraine

United Nations
We The Peoples
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2022

See how the United Nations is helping those affected by the conflict — and how you can support our efforts.

The war in Ukraine is threatening the lives and well-being of millions of civilians and families.

Amid the suffering and destruction, the United Nations is working to support people whose lives have been uprooted.

A family from Ukraine seeks safety in Poland. 📸: UNHCR/Chris Melzer

Thousands of people are crossing the border from Ukraine into neighbouring countries every day, often arriving with just the few belongings they can carry.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) is working to provide families that have been forced to flee with basic essentials such as food, shelter and clothing, but says more funding is needed.

A woman and two children flee the war in Ukraine. 📸: UNHCR/Zsolt Balla

The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is on the ground, helping to provide families and children with safe water, healthcare and psychosocial services. You can support their efforts.

4 year-old Platon fled the war in Ukraine with his mother. 📸: UNICEF/UN0601677/Moldovan

The World Food Programme (WFP) has launched an emergency operation to provide food assistance to those affected by the war, including people displaced inside Ukraine and those seeking safety in neighbouring countries. Help support their work.

High energy biscuits are prepared to be airlifted to the Ukrainian — Polish border. 📸: WFP

The World Health Organization (WHO) is dispatching medical supplies and supporting the delivery of urgent healthcare to people in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries. Help support their efforts.

The United Nations office for humanitarian affairs (OCHA) and its partners have been on the ground supporting the people of Ukraine, and remain committed to staying and delivering assistance.

Women and children are among those most vulnerable to conflict. The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) says many pregnant women and mothers are streaming across borders to neighboring countries. You can help UNFPA meet their needs.

A woman holds a baby at a makeshift camp in Chisinău, Moldova. 📸: UNFPA Moldova/Eduard Bîzgu

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is mobilizing teams and boosting capacity in Ukraine and neighbouring countries to respond to the growing humanitarian needs. Help support their efforts.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has expanded online support services to provide a lifeline to Ukrainian families. The services allow people to access support wherever they may be, and without having to travel to official offices which may have been destroyed, or in conflict areas where their lives could be in danger.

A family seeks shelter in an underground station in Kyiv, Ukraine. 📸: Oleksandr Ratushnyak/UNDP Ukraine

The UN’s social media accounts will continue to share updates on the war in Ukraine as events unfold.

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