Startup “Work-Life” Balance — As Told by Splunk

Paul Teshima
#We The Startup North
2 min readNov 28, 2014

A quick one for a short US Thanksgiving week. We were in a product meeting here at Nudge discussing how to improve our build and rollout process. During the meeting as a sidebar, our Director of Database Operations (Michael Guissine) brought up that in addition to being an awesome operational intelligence platform our Splunk build reports showed a very clear pattern of our work-life balance as a startup.

What this report depicts is that we have two strong work cycles for most days of the week. Note: I think this work-life balance cycle is more in line with 2nd time entrepreneurs, who are still super excited to build something great, but now have families, so need “some” balance with home life.

Our Hourly Cycle Breaks For Dinner, But Right Back At it After the Kids Go to Bed

9AM to 6PM, averaging 70 builds per hour, a short “lunch hangover”, back to work, then a quick break for dinner with the family

9PM to 12PM, moves to a still strong 40 builds per hour then some sleep, except for our Data Scientist who powers through the night.

Our Daily Cycle Includes Saturdays, With Downtime on Sunday

A few interesting points on our daily cycle is that there is a low set of builds on Saturday at 2PM maybe due to some afternoon programs, and Wednesday is definitely the biggest code day! Sunday night we start to see builds again, as people are gearing up for the next week.

It would be interesting to see what other startup Splunk-Work-Life balance cycles look like?

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!



Paul Teshima
#We The Startup North

CEO of Nudge, bringing the business world closer together, one Nudge at a time. Former SVP at Eloqua, active runner, foodie, mediocre singer and guitar player