Thrifting Words and Phrases 

Your “insider’s guide” to this secret language.

Late Night Coffee
We Thrift


For the novice or the expert, these may come in handy:

As-is: From the latin word “As” which means “garbage” and the latin word “is” which means “with a price tag”.

Sold: Please sit on me. Please put your stuff that you bought on me. Please lean on me and eat that gooey doughnut. You sir….. are a regular outlaw.

Fill-a-bag: A time when all that geometry you took in high school finally pays off.

Estate sale: Criteria must be that people must step INTO a living room area. Two items. Two hundred items. Doesn’t matter. Once the threshold has been crossed….it can be considered an estate sale.

“On Ebay it goes for ______”: Translation: “I don’t sell on Ebay, but my neighbor does. And he doesn’t want to pay me that much for it either.”

Boutique: Any area in a thrift store with silk flowers, a gold lettered sign, and 45+ cocktail dresses from Joan Collin’s closet.

Firm: I dare you to ask me for a lower price. Go ahead. I dare you.

Orange: Also known as the chameleon color because of it’s ability to fool people into picking up other items around it. “No..that’s a red sticker” “Sorry..that’s hot pink.” “No…that’s clearly an apricot colored tag and they are full price today”.

1/2 price day: Remember when the kid would hit the pinata and all the candy would come flying out? It’s like that…only with carts and low blood sugar.

Collectible: My uncle Tony collected dead wasps in little olive jars. Just sayin’.



Late Night Coffee
We Thrift

Junker/Writer/Creator in a delicious candy shell! You can find me and my hand sanitizer at