Asking a Designer to Design for Free

Israr Ul Haq
We Useful
Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2020


Who asks, Is it a big deal, What is causing this, How to charge for the work

Designers face these requests for free work more often than people in any-other profession. Lets bury it once and for all, you are not doing any free work from this moment on.

But before that, lets just briefly go over to how actually the free design requests reach you, who are the freebies and is it really worth worrying about? This is to get you in the mood of how it actually feels when you are called for a unpaid design job.

Who asks for this favor?

Usually Its either your distant friend (who somehow found out from your Instagram story that you have become a designer), family member or a colleague sitting right beside you asking to design a flyer for free.

It is more difficult to escape this saga when the request is from your dear uncle who wants a beautiful birthday card designed for her daughter’s 5th birthday. Which somehow is always on the very next day, so you leave your actual work and get your hands dirty into pink glitter for a precious birthday card. — How can I say no to this, you’re welcome uncle Jim.

The list goes on and the number will surprise you if you track the favors you did in the past couple of weeks or months.



Israr Ul Haq
We Useful

Techpreneur, Product Designer | Businessman. I write about online business, self-improvement, technology, human behavior, design, and entrepreneurship