June = $443.36

Harry Huang
We Did it — $1000 Per Month Reached
2 min readJul 3, 2015

At an increase of 266% from May, we’re super pleased with this month’s growth —we’re now raking in more than enough to feed ourselves entirely on these!

Here’s what we’ve been focussing on:

Let’s go over these in detail:

JournoRequests.com ($259.15)

JournoRequests.com is proving to be popular among freelancers and PR agencies alike, resulting in over 500 users signing up to date.

In a nutshell, the service monitors Twitter for PR opportunities, curates them and sends them to your inbox.

We send through a large variety of PR opportunities, with topics ranging from Business & Finance:

to Lifestyle:

and to the slightly strange:

After launching on June 2nd, it took us a day to get our first paying customers and around 15 days to reach 10 paying customers. This was boosted by us contacting agencies and freelancers and quickly adding an affiliate scheme.

We’re now growing at a steady rate each day and we’re working hard on tools to improve interaction with our users — including automating tasks such as manually contacting each user as soon as they sign up.

Hey Press ($184.21)

The growth in JournoRequests.com has also helped Hey Press — the increased traffic has help boost paid signups, reassuring our worries last month of a paid-plan plateau.


Aside from this, we’ve added more publications to Hey Press alongside maintaining the database. Luckily for us we’ve previously managed to automate a lot of the time-consuming aspects of this, which leaves us room to launch a new product this month….

How to Get Press Coverage For Your Startup

…a press guide! We’ve decided to break away from coding in Sublime Text by releasing something different.

Our guide, How to Get Press Coverage For Your Startup, details some of the unwritten rules in getting press coverage, along with examples and notes on what should and shouldn’t be done. If you’re a startup looking for coverage, this should be worth a read.

Other Shenanigans

So what else did we get up to? To celebrate reaching 20 users and 500 users on JournoRequests.com, Ed ate way too much cinnamon and I swallowed a lemon.

If you want to see us do something equally stupid, sign up for the site and email Ed to let us know what you’d like to see for when we hit 1000 users.

In summary, this month has been mostly about growth and for the first time in a while, it feels like we have products that people want and most importantly, are willing to pay for. This makes us happy.

Next month’s objectives are to continue the growth focus for JournoRequests.com and Hey Press, which we’ll make sure to keep you updated on.

In the meantime, let us know below if you find our guide to press coverage useful or if you have any other questions/comments.

