11 years in recovery but always an addict

Celebrating my mom and her recovery journey

Samantha Weald
The Wealderness


My mom is an addict.

And not like, “drank too much at the family Christmas party” or “popped an extra Vicodin when she pulled out her back” type addict.

More like…

  • Every cupboard in our house was FULL of boxed wine.
  • We had packages with HUNDREDS of pills getting delivered every month.
  • Meth dealers and strange people CONSTANTLY knocking on the door.
  • Didn’t see her sober for a SINGLE day over 8 years.

“We don’t focus on the past…nor do we wish to shut the door on it.”

Growing up in Arizona, being raised by a single mom, I understood that it was hard but she made it look so easy. She was the mom all the other kids wanted to come on the school field trip — beautiful, fun, always willing to play a game, put a stocking on her head and chase you around the house. She was calm, kind, hardworking. Full of love.

in Arizona, sometime in the 90s ❤

So when she relapsed after we moved to California when I was in 7th grade, I didn’t want to know. I pretended like it wasn’t happening. I kept living my life (school, sports, friends) and just got more and more independent. I told…

