How Nathalie Neuilly Built Her Successful Business ‘Dressarte Paris’

A glimpse into this entrepreneur’s path to success.

Wealth 101
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2023


Foto de Khaled Ghareeb en Unsplash

Today we have the pleasure of interviewing Nathalie Neuilly, founder of Dressarte Paris, the first sustainable online atelier and conscious fashion directory.

Nathalie left her job at an international company a few years ago when she felt an urgent need to return to her work-life balance and focus on her personal and career growth. That was the exact moment when the Dressarte Paris was born.

Having travelled the world, it was in Paris that Nathalie understood that it’s such a privilege to have clothes designed and tailored especially for you and she wanted to make this personal shopping experience accessible, no matter where people are based.

This is how she came up with the idea of online atelier once she realized that there are women, who don’t have time for fittings at a tailor, and struggle to find clothes that work for their body types and meet their style.

What follows is our interview with Nathalie. Enjoy!

What’s your niche and why should someone choose you over your competitors in your field?

Tailored clothing is a conscious choice where every single detail is designed to meet each client’s preferences. Every garment is made to personal body measurements from high-end surplus fabrics to ensure impeccable quality.

We’re the only online couture service that combines the expertise of stylists, designers and tailors. Thanks to 3D design service and digital fittings, we’ve brought tailoring experience online. Custom pieces are made to clients’ body measurements and the intended designs.

We provide Toile Service that allows to receive a prototype/mock up of the garments that clients can try on at home. As a result, our return rate is close to 0.

What are the three things that mostly helped your business succeed?

Family support, networking and being open to new experiences

What are your three biggest accomplishments?

We were featured by Forbes, FashionUnited and nominated among the Top tech companies disrupting the fashion industry by Techround.

What were your most important challenges?

The first one was leaving a well-paid job in order to pursue my dream.

The second was developing a business process as at the beginning, I was a multitasking person who needed to be involved at every single business process. A few years ago, it was challenging for our customer to take measurements at home. These days, they can do it through our app or the video guide.

How did you overcome those challenges?

I could achieve a lot with my family support. The second important point is communication skills and networking as I was able to find the right people who helped me build the company that I am very proud of.

What’s your piece of advice for readers who want to achieve wealth and success in life?

Do not be afraid of challenges. Dive into opportunities and stay open-minded on your entrepreneurial journey.

What do you think is the key to a truly successful business?


What’s your business model? How does your business make money?

B2C model:

  • Clients buy a package and share their ideas with us.
  • They get their sketch in 3–7 working days.
  • Based on the sketch we create their dream garments.

Where do you see yourself and your business in five years?

Well… We will do our best to present our service also offline globally.

What’s your piece of advice for people who want to quit their 9–5 job and start a business?

Do not feel scared, just do it. Expand your network. Do not be strict with yourself if it does not go as planned.

What’s your piece of advice for people who want to reach financial freedom?

Be ready to work hard and always believe in yourself.

How can people find you?

Mostly through Linkedin and Dressarte official website.

Do you have any app, digital course, or book you would like our readers to know about?

Frankly speaking, we would be happy to see your readers among our clients one day. We often organise offline pop-ups or participate in the international trade fairs like Neonyt or the National Wedding Show.

Thank you for your time Nathalie, it was great to know more about your journey and your successful business and share your experience with our readers.



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