FOMTWM (Fear of Making the Wrong Move)
Wealth Corner
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2021

Why am I so afraid of making the wrong decision? You say…..

We make so many decisions so frequently that we’re not even aware of the decision-making process. It’s usually intuitive and quick.

Will this opportunity be a good fit? Am I making the right decision? What if it doesn’t work?
Many decision-making problems stem from the worry that you will make the “wrong” decision. But, not making a decision is costly. You stay stuck, waste time & miss opportunities.
Let’s say you need to choose an Investment partner and you start by researching, even talk to a friend who is an Investment expert, of course, you know what you want — returns on your investment!
Your best bet is to start small and don’t let fear stop you from making an investment decision from today.

Here are some steps you can take:
• List your options
• Write the possible outcomes for each option, both short term and long term
• Write the benefits or risks of each option
• Determine which option corresponds most with your overall values and goals
• Determine which option is the healthiest choice
• Make the move and take action

Remember, it’s not about right or wrong but about finding the best path forward with what you know.
You will be further away from knowing what works if you don’t make decisions and don’t take action.
The fear of making the wrong decisions is called decidophobia.
Decidophobia tends to play the most when the risk involved in possibly “making the wrong decision” outweighs making the right one.
Striking a balance between these two is definitely vital for one’s mental health.


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