Blogging — The Online Journal Craze

Wealth Creation Coach
Wealth Creation
Published in
7 min readOct 7, 2023


Courtesy of Alex Gorbunov

Blogging is hot right now. It might even be called a buzz word but it is also the wave of the future for Internet marketing. Blogging is the result of the use of the new technology that collectively makes what is known today as Web 2.0. You will see the term “Web 2.0 websites” used frequently but what exactly does that term mean?

Back in the murky, dusty past of the Internet in 2001, there was a happening that is now referred to as the dot com bust. People who had a great deal of technical know-how built websites, promoted them and made millions on speculative ideas that were not founded in reality.

The internet was a one-way street. Those who had the technical know-how to build websites posted what they wanted their readers to know and nothing more. The Internet was a relatively new thing and people bought into this one- way communication but only for a short few years.

Fortunes were made and lost overnight. There are those who blame the dot com bust on nothing more than technological break through….and it could be that they are right. As the technological advances started, building websites became easier, and more people built websites and jumped on the Internet marketing bandwagon.

They began sending out millions and millions of unsolicited marketing emails daily. These emails were known as SPAM.

