Rules of Wealth Hub

Robert Young
Wealth Hub
3 min readNov 30, 2022


Rules give structure and order to life. Alongside rules, and a willing populace, greater complexity in systems can be brought forth. Take, for example, if at some point during a soccer match both teams decided to abandon the rules. Players would be picking up the ball and running into the goal; absolutely despicable for fans to watch, and for that sake, anyone to hold in high esteem.

These are the rules of Wealth Hub. They, like most rules, are built to inspire greater cohesiveness and system complexity for our community.

Rule #1

Don’t Be A Cunt

Some people believe that since they are online that gives them permission to be an absolute cunt. Trolling, hate speech, and actions of the like will immediately result in you being barred from the community. This is simple and straightforward. Just don’t be a cunt.

Rule #2

Hold Yourself to a High Esteem

Wealth Hub is a space to build your strengths and connect with like-minded individuals looking to become better versions of themselves. When you hold yourself to a high esteem it trickles down to produce a powerful butterfly effect of holding each other accountable to being the best we can be. There is no room for self depreciation, loathing, or affirmations of apathy in this space.

Rule #3

Support Each Other

Look out for your Wealth Hub brothers. If you see an opportunity arise and it does not fit your job description, throw the link or mention it in the community chat. The more opportunities that come through Wealth Hub, the greater amount of opportunities will come in the future. Success is a positive feedback loop. When you look out for others, others will look out for you.

Rule #4

Have Constructive Conversations

Don’t meander around the community spaces with conversations for the sake of wasting time. Ask yourself, is this conversation providing me with any knowledge, skills, or value? If not, abandon it. And in the same sense, when you disagree with a point of view of someone in the space, look to logically present your case to them and have the willingness to listen to their feedback and respond appropriately. If there is no settling the argument, speak your peace, agree to disagree, and move forward.

Rule #5

Hold Each Other Accountable

If a Wealth Hub brother has committed to building something with you and has flaked, message him and hold him accountable. If a Wealth Hub brother is wasting his time conversing on topics that do not grow him as a man, have the courage to speak up and say so. If you want to find people that agree with your excuses for failure, then this is the wrong place for you.

Rule #6

Stay Active

When you find an opportunity from Wealth Hub, don’t abandon the community chats and start thinking only about yourself. You have a duty to provide that same value back to the community with which you have been fed. Examples of staying active in the community are sending videos that inspire you, opportunities you have run into, courses that have taught you important skills, and alpha about potential investment opportunities. Stay Active.

