Evangelist Linda Jackson
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2017

by Evangelist Linda J. Jackson

STOP! This message is marked URGENT!

Hello dear friend. Please be advised that your choice to hold on despite the challenges and struggles you have endured has not gone unnoticed, or ignored. Be E N C O U R A G E D and THANK YOU for the following:

Thank you for not allowing Satan’s traps to allure you into a dismal pit of fear that would have eventually caused you to end a life of fruitfulness and promise.

Thank you for the times you extended kind words and gestures to others when your heart was heavy and felt like it was going to break!

Thank you for not giving in to bitterness and resentfulness, when others have mistreated you.

Thank you for admitting your faults and extending a spirit of tangible forgiveness to others.

Thank you for enduring negative peer pressure and taking a firm stand in your faith.

Thank you for making the difficult decisions to give up the people and things that jeopardized your relationship with God.

Dear friend please know that God loves you and He will never run out of FAVOR or GRACE for you.

Continue to hold on to your faith and know that God has someone interceding on YOUR behalf. You are NOT alone.


