by Diana Alderbashi

5 simple things to incorporate into your marketing piece to make your private offering stand out from the crowd.

There is no one “right way” to go about creating a marketing teaser for your capital raise. However, there are some best practices that can increase your chances of gaining more investor interest in your private placement offering.

Before you start thinking about the content of of your marketing teaser, you must first determine the audience you want to address. Are you pursuing individual investors? Or, are you trying to appeal to private equity firms and other financial professionals?

Then, you should consider your teaser’s purpose. What action do you want the audience to take after reading your teaser?

Below, I have outlined the top five things that you should include in your teaser if you want to gauge investor interest and motivate them to contact you to learn more about your capital raise.

  1. Summary of the Opportunity — Briefly describe the project or the business you’re planning to raise capital for. In that description, include the purpose of your capital raise and your business plan. Be sure to use terms your audience will understand.
  2. Financial Terms — Most investors want to know how their investment funds will be used, so it’s important to include a brief “Sources and Uses of Funds” section. Investors also want to know their return, so be sure to include various measures of return, such as the expected cash flows, preferred return, interest rate, or equity multiples.
  3. Competitive Advantage — Most savvy investors don’t look for the average deal. Your teaser needs to include the things that set you apart from your competition. You might offer above average returns, have an excellent management team with an outstanding track record, or provide a unique solution to an existing problem in the marketplace. Be sure to emphasize these aspects in the teaser.
  4. Pictures and Graphics — Use graphics and pictures as much as possible. Remember, your marketing teaser is not the place for heavy legal language — save that for your offering documents. Ideally, a teaser should be no more than 2 pages. Pictures and graphics can help investors visualize what your offering can do for them as well as maximize valuable space.
  5. Testimonials — Let other people tell your story for you. Think about the value people place on movie or product reviews. Testimonials work in a similar way. You don’t have to overload the teaser with quotes, but using one from a previous satisfied investor or customer can increase the attractiveness of your offering by demonstrating a proven track record.

Including the 5 key items above in your marketing teaser will help increase your potential for success in getting the word out about your next private capital raise. Keep all of the sections of your teaser brief and to the point, highlighting the most important information with bold font, bullets, or graphics. Be sure that you have provided the appropriate person’s contact information on the teaser for potential inquiries from investors. Don’t forget your call to action, such as a request for a private placement memorandum. And most importantly, remember that communication in securities transactions must be balanced, and include appropriate risk disclaimers. Learn more about Compliant Communication in this whitepaper.

Make Your Private Offering Stand Out From The Crowd

Download a sample Marketing Teaser from WealthForge designed to help you showcase key highlights investors will want to know about your offering.



Heather Perry

Heather is the Director of Marketing @WealthForge, the platform for private capital markets. Learn more: