Wealthi launch carbon neutral property investments

Wealthi Journal
Published in
1 min readAug 17, 2021

Wealthi will voluntarily offset carbon emitted during the construction phase of its investments, under a new initiative being rolled out this week. The move is part of Wealthi’s commitment to sustainability and positive impact within the real estate investment community.

Under the offering, Wealthi will voluntarily purchase enough carbon credits to offset the estimated emissions released into the atmospher during the construction and delivery phase. Each project’s carbon emissions will be estimated using third party emission tracking software.

It is currently estimated that for each new two bedroom apartment constructed in Australia, up to 82 tonnes of carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere.

Wealthi will offset carbon emissions across its portfolio by purchasing and retiring carbon credits on behalf of its clients, in both Goldstandard and Verra certified projects around the world. Suitable credits will be regularly selected and screened by Wealthi’s internal ESG committee on a monthly basis.

The move comes after the latest IPCC report into climate change and the impact on the environment, which calls for drastic action across all aspects of everyday life.

