11 Daily Habits That Are Sucking Your Energy Dry & 11 Ways To Fix Them

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5 min readMay 27, 2017

While there are many things that can drain your energy and leave you feeling depleted and defeated, we have made a summary of the 11 most basic and daily habits that can really bring you down and keep you at the bottom. We also provide 11 tips to change it for the better.

1) Going to bed late & 2) waking up late

“I love going to bed late and waking up late so that I can feel like crap next day and have missed many precious hours of my day” - Said no-one ever

Sleep is important for healing and overall proper functioning hence the importance of getting some good sleep (Not to be confused with oversleeping).

Fix it:

If you always sleep until late, try going to bed 15 minutes earlier than you normally would until you are able to go to bed at 9 or 10pm for example. This will allow you to wake up earlier as well, so apply the same logic, try waking up 15 minutes earlier than what’s normal for you.

3) Crappy food

“Let food be thy medicine” - Hippocrates.

And we figure he wasn’t referring to processed foods filled with additives and copious amounts of processed sugar.

Fix it:

Read labels and do some research on those words hardly anyone can pronounce, some are actually natural and go by their scientific name, but others, boy, you’d be surprised. Avoid everything that is processed and eat local, seasonal and organic as much as you can.

4) No exercise

One of the reasons exercise is so important is that when you do it, you sweat, and this is one of the ways for the lymphatic system to drain. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials, so if you’re not sweating it out then a lot of toxins are building up in your body. That’s neither sexy nor healthy.

Fix it:

If you’re not physically active, start with small steps: go for walks, a short run or hike then increase intensity as you get stronger. Looking for exercise motivation? You can find some here.

5) Not drinking enough water

Just like exercise, sufficient amounts of water helps your system get rid of toxins.

Fix it:

Carry a reusable bottle with you and make sure it’s always filled with water, this way you have no excuses to not drink some much needed H2O.

6) Being constantly on social media

With so many great things to be achieved in life, so many wonderful places to see and so many amazing people to interact with, spending so much of your precious life scrolling down a screen to spy on the virtual life of others seems like a waste of time. Catching up with your friends via internet is one thing, but being on social media for hours, sometimes even fighting with strangers online is a whole other crazy totally useless thing.

Fix it:

Try a fun challenge: Go one day without checking Facebook or whatever social platform you’re on. If you like it, repeat it often. If you need social media to work then do what’s required but that’s it, no idle searching.

7) Wanting approval from people on social media and real life

So much effort to take that perfect selfie and get thousands of likes and comments to tell us how awesome or how beautiful and handsome we look, and at the end, later down the road we won’t be happy anyway.

Fix it:

As a wise Swami in India told us once: “It takes a lot of work to maintain an ego and its image. Why not drop it? It’s easier.” Some people will love you and others will not; motivate yourself from within to do good things and don’t worry so much about being liked and accepted, those that will like and accept you, will do so for the right reasons, not the shallow ones.

8) Not spending time in nature

EVERYONE enjoys being in nature, be it going to the beach, going to a park, a forest, etc, even if it’s just for a short time. Nature has a gentle way to remind us that it’s not in a rush and yet everything gets accomplished; it reminds us that thriving in our environment is all about cooperating and not competing. Also, spending time in the natural world activates the right hemisphere of the brain, which is the side that allows us to experience happiness and fulfillment.

Fix it:

Everyday make a point of being outdoors for at least 20 minutes, preferably in a natural environment where you will breathe fresh air. If a beach or a forest is not accessible to you, research where the nearest park is from your work or home.

9) Being around people who don’t uplift or reflect your values and goals in life

We highly doubt the greatest minds and doers of all time spent most of their time going on pub crawls and having superfluous conversations with individuals who have no aspirations or motivation.

Fix it:

Make connections with people who reflect what you want to create in life. Get together with people who will uplift you, motivate you, help you soak up valuable knowledge; seek these people in the right places! They’re out there.

10) Reliving the past & 11) worrying about the future

The two most mortal enemies of peace and the present moment (Not to mention productivity.)

Fix it:

The stronger the monkey mind is, the harder the work will be, but despair not! Meditation and other tools that encourage you to stay focused on the here and the now will help you cultivate a calm present mind.

Warm regards,

Thomas & Ruth

WEARECO 🌿 | Founders



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I have taken on a mission to help individuals live in peace and joy.