Back in the game

Bernard Teo
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2022

Earlier this month, the team took a short breather from user acquisition and user onboarding as we were focused on rolling out a website revamp and rolling out some product feature upgrades. This month, we’re back in the game!

Armed with a new proposition, The Pay Once User Forever model, we’re bringing joy to F&B and retail businesses all around the world. Low margins? Hit by the pandemic? Cannot afford to digitize? Dont worry — DayOne has your back.

The game plan

For the longest time, our user acquisition method was about casting our net as far as possible — cold emails, cold calls, intros, walk-ins, brochures — you name it, we’ve tried it. After looking at our data and past performance, we noticed that we have had the highest return from LinkedIn outreach and email campaigns, and will continue to drive this initiative forward.

Global Focus

… except that this time round, we are also going to fly the Singapore flag around the globe and start reaching out to users across the globe. Our immediate focus will be US, Europe and Australia. Based on our research, it appears that these markets has the highest propensity to adopt new technology and the workforces there are ready for digitisation.

Since travelling has not resumed and acquisition of global users outside of market cannot happen in person, this makes our current pricing model friendly and low risk for them as well. With all of these factors in mind, the DayOne team will be focused on remote user acquisition with payment as a success metric in the upcoming months.

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Taking the world,



Bernard Teo

Young Entrepreneur | Startups | Strategy | Marketing | Growth | Finance | Business Dev