Bring Yourself

Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2018

–Anndrea Scroggins

When my team and I went overseas to teach English, it was clear we each carried different characteristics. Each of us had different talents and hobbies. Some liked sports, others would rather sing. Some of us were organized and others were incredibly good at working with strangers. Not all of us were extraverts, and not all of us were highly energetic, but we were all there to teach.

Sometimes, we think that only specific types of people can teach. In reality, everyone is needed. Overseas, I watched my teammates flourish and interact with students in different ways. Whatever skills we have can be used to bridge gaps and teach English. Working at my university, we were encouraged that all personality types were wanted to engage new and previous students. Why? Because the students we were reaching out to were just as varied in their dreams, skills, and backgrounds as we were.

You are unique.

When you teach overseas, one of the most important things you can do is bring yourself, not the idea of what you think a teacher should be. Don’t misunderstand what your job will be: you are traveling across the ocean to teach and to do it well. But don’t let preconceived notions that teachers must be creative, extraverted, or insanely smart make you feel like you should walk into the classroom wearing a mask of someone other than you are. Seek to be appropriate within the culture, and bring yourself.

