Fresh Grilled Fish in Laos

Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2015

By Noah Arnold

Dinner with new friends || It was a little scary moving to Luang Prabang and not knowing a single Lao person. For two years I had been constantly surrounded by all my Lao friends and now every person I saw was a stranger. I didn’t like it. But I never should have worried because almost immediately the kindness and hospitality of Lao people showed up within the first few weeks. This awesome couple invited me out to their farm and fed me some of the best food I’ve had in Luang Prabang (few things can beat fresh grilled fish). Im so thankful I get to live in a country with such kind-hearted people. Thanks for being awesome, Laos.

Make some new friends in Laos.

About ELIC

ELIC places passionately committed people in teaching roles across Asia, who primarily serve through the medium of English instruction. While we are focused primarily on university campuses and teacher training, we teach in a variety of other settings designed to best serve our host countries and government entities. In the last 30 years, more than 12,000 ELIC teachers have been placed and have taught an estimated 1,300,000 Chinese students. We have vibrant programs for college students, graduates, singles, couples, families and second-career adults. Our present countries of service include China, Mongolia, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar.

