Inter-Team Photo Contest: Laos

Published in
4 min readDec 16, 2015

If anyone has tried to get you hooked on Laos, you’ve likely been shown a series of pictures displaying the splendor that is home for our team. And while its natural beauty is well documented (and rightfully so), we wanted a chance to reveal what Laos means to ELIC. Each city team submitted a collection of photos that they thought best reflected what our world is like in Laos. We then voted individually on our 10 favorites. Scroll down to see our life in pictures.

  1. Monk overlooking a waterfall
Monk Waterfall

“To meet a Lao man is to meet someone who has been a monk at some point. The world looks at this and sees a religious scholar; I see a hundred different faces having donned the same robes, sitting in classrooms, at lunch tables, daring to become friends with a foreigner.”

Emily Buikema

  1. Zack Anderson selfie
Zach Anderson Selfie

“I never thought I would move to another country and have to ask people, “What language do you speak?” The cultural diversity within Laos is beautiful, and these Hmong boys represent that –crazy hairstyles, leather jackets and all. And on a personal note, my students that say ‘nyob zoo’ [“hello” in Hmong] and eat steamed rice always seem to be showing up in my life, and I’m so glad they do.”

Zack Anderson

  1. Rice field
Rice Field

“Plant, grow, harvest.”

Megan Fry

  1. A typical conversation

“Trying to explain something you don’t understand, yourself; confused faces, pantomiming, paperwork everywhere, helmet in tow, and a sinh [Lao skirt] that makes me look as Lao as any 5’11” white woman. Quintessential Laos.”

Emily Buikema

  1. Andrea Kidder selfie
Andrea Kidder Selfie

“Laos is inviting 3 students to make cookies and actually hosting half the class.”

Andrea Kidder

  1. Buddha overlooking the Mekong

“A constant reminder that though people are smaller than these statues, we are valued as infinitely more important.”

Matt Lafferty

  1. Classically breathtaking ELIC Laos stock photo
ELIC Stock

“You should travel in Laos because of the breathtaking beauty. You should stay in Laos because of the lifelong friendships you will find there.”

Noah Arnold

  1. Computer time with Kayla Wells
Computer Time

“Because my heart explodes every time I see their smiles (every day).”

Krista Tani

  1. Chicken, featuring Adam Webb

“Students, the Mekong, and this is such a typical student photo: one doing some gesture with his hands, another pointing at someone else, and the last definitely not smiling.”

Zack Anderson

  1. Team Laos 2015–2016
Team Lao

“Because it’s my highly dysfunctional, wonderfully fun, ever changing, always growing family.” Megan Fry

“What better way to depict the work here than this body?” Amanda Albertsen

“Laos wouldn’t be half as fun, challenging, joy filled, crazy, or sweet without team!” Lauren Neustel

“Because it’s team.” Elise Axel

“A family that didn’t choose each other, but chooses to love, encourage, comfort, tease, and laugh every day. Of all the adventures to be had in Laos, it’s these people that make living here a joy and treasure that can’t be forgotten.” Noah Arnold

