Saying Goodbye

Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2018

Anndrea Scroggins

We like to focus on connecting with people overseas. We like to think about all the friends we will make and how we will bond over our hobbies. Dreams of making good connections in our host country fill our minds. Or, we are terrified that we won’t find any. We’re scared no one will find a common ground with us and that that will make us a failure. Connecting with others can make or break our overseas experience.

But what about when it comes time to leave? Sometimes we put such an emphasis on making the most of our time there that we forget to consider how we will pack up and move back across the world. What do we do then? How do we end well?

First, know that a “Goodbye” is coming. You don’t have to let it keep you from enjoying your new friends; let it color the experience. When we know something is not going to last forever, we savor it. Let the return ticket remind you to make the most of each moment.

Second, do not be afraid to dive deep. This might be counter-intuitive and seem smarter to keep yourself distanced, but instead try to be okay with making deep friendships. You might not ever see those people again, but what they teach you can stay with you for a lifetime. This is probably your only chance to get to know these people, so do not be afraid to take it.

Finally, when you leave, it’s okay if it hurts. It’s also okay if it doesn’t. Each person on your team has learned different things and you will all react uniquely. Acknowledge what has changed and how you have grown. Maybe journal about it, paint, sing, or run. Allow yourself time to process instead of jumping directly to the next thing. You’ve just had an incredible experience, so let it sink in for a bit.

