Teacher in Laos Hanging Out With Elephants

Published in
1 min readJul 24, 2014

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Teacher in Laos Hanging Out With Elephants

Once again, I love in this country. #Laos #luangprabang #elephants #mountains #nature #weareelic[/caption]

Teacher in Laos Hanging Out With Elephants

Picture from @NoahInLaos

Once again, I love in this country

About ELIC

ELIC places passionately committed people in teaching roles across Asia, who primarily serve through the medium of English instruction. www.ELIC.org While we are focused primarily on university campuses and teacher training, we teach in a variety of other settings designed to best serve our host countries and government entities. In the last 30 years, more than 12,000 ELIC teachers have been placed and have taught an estimated 1,300,000 Chinese students. We have vibrant programs for college students, graduates, singles, couples, families and second-career adults. Our present countries of service include China, Mongolia, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar. [vfb id=2] Teacher in Laos Loves Her Class

