State of the Union

Dávid Reinhold
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2018

This is a joint post that we wrote with Avi while looking back on the past year of the company.

In 2017 we worked 6,297 hours, the developers did 12k code commits and 700 merge requests. We also streamed 38 events in the European Parliament and visited 3 continents.

The biggest project that we worked on last year was an intranet application for an organisation with international ties. It took 4 months and most of the team to get it done but we are very happy with the outcome. You can read about it in our case study here.

We met twice as a team. Once in Hungary for a co-working week. The focus of this meet-up was to improve on project budgeting — more on this in a sentence or two. The other get together was more of a team building. We met in the Rodopi Mountains in Bulgaria for an organised mountain biking trip along the borderline with Greece. We saw some spectacular landscapes wile pedaling up and riding down curvy mountain roads.

We improved significantly the way we create project estimates. As a result we can outline an accurate timeframe and workload for our projects. As a good and reliable service provider we make everything in our power to keep our deadlines and promises. With better forecasts this is much easier on the team.

We also got better with creating comprehensive project proposals in a timely manner. These proposals are usually prepared after a series of client interviews and give a detailed overview of the scope of the project, the timeline and a break down of the features of the digital product offered. In 2017 we prepared and sent over 20 proposals for web projects varying from feature updates to full scale sites and applications.

Our dev team is always on the look for new and emerging technologies. We built an application using the Elixir language for the first time last year which proved to be a great choice. Elixir is a dynamic, functional language, designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. On the frontend we use Emebr.js which allows us to make fast, fluid and intuitive applications.

2018 looks promising. Our first project this year is to build a shared contacts database application for one of our clients so all their employees have access to information.

We also realised that after relying on word of mouth and personal recommendations for quite a while, it is time to focus on developing a sales and marketing strategy. This is where a lot of our efforts go lately.

Let us know in the comment section if you want to know more about what we do.



Dávid Reinhold

Co-Founder of EVERMORE, a remote development company. I have a daughter. I do sports regularly, ski touring in the winter and running the rest of the year.