We Cannot Remain Silent

Faculty NY
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2020

There’s nothing we can say right now other than black lives matter. For too long companies like ours have remained silent in the face of atrocities visited by the state on communities of color. As a company we have prioritized our financial security over standing up against a racist system. The violent response to peaceful protesters and the overwhelming pain and anger following George Floyd’s murder have made it clear that we cannot remain silent any longer.

If you’re disappointed that it has taken us this long to find our voice, we will do better. Please hold us accountable.

If you are unsure of where to start, here are a few lists that have been helpful to us.

If you are looking to donate, here are some causes that we think are worthy.

If you are scared or angry or feel powerless, just know we’re with you. And we’re listening.

In solidarity, the team of Faculty.

Articles and lists:


