mytaxi — Behind the scenes

Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2018
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Team mytaxi Hamburg

Founded: 2009
Tech stack: Java, JavaScript, Python, Kotlin
Employees(#): 600 (150 tech)
Headquarters: Hamburg, Berlin, Barcelona

What’s the story behind mytaxi? What problem are you solving?

Design the future of mobility with us! mytaxi was founded in June 2009 and was the world’s first taxi app that established a direct connection between a passenger and a taxi driver. With over 10 million downloads and 120,000 registered taxi drivers, mytaxi is the leading taxi e-hailing app in Europe, available in over 70 cities in eleven European and two South American countries. With more than 600 employees in the whole entity, mytaxi spans across UK, Germany, Ireland, Austria, Poland, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Greece, Romania, Peru and Chile. Since September 2014, mytaxi has been a subsidiary of the Daimler Mobility Services GmbH (part of the Daimler Group).

In July 2016, mytaxi announced the merger with Hailo, the leading taxi app in the UK and Ireland, an important step to become the leading taxi e-hailing app in Europe. In February 2017 mytaxi announced the acquisition of Beat (previously Taxibeat), the leading taxi app in Greece. With Beat, mytaxi also moved into South America for the first time and is now active in Peru and Chile. In June 2017 mytaxi also announced the acquisition of Clever Taxi, the leading taxi app in Romania. Andrew Pinnington is the CEO of mytaxi. Join a fun, global team of top engineers and seasoned entrepreneurs for the challenge of a lifetime.

We strive to be passionate yet practical, driven but focused and visionary but humble. Our employees are routinely challenged to solve large-scale, highly complex technical problems. As a new “family member” you will be stretched, but will learn best practice at scale in our creative and fun environment!

What do you do and what makes your service exciting?

mytaxi was the world’s first taxi app to connect passengers and drivers… As a subsidiary of Daimler we expand and revolutionize the taxi market and shape the future of mobility.

What kind of talent are you looking for?

We are looking for people who want to work in one of the most exciting and challenging markets of the future. You are a team player? So are we. We live Scrum and agile development and know that we are only as good as the people working with us. You value good software? We always work with the newest technologies and are big fans of trying new things. We value quality and know that only a perfect product can convince people to use it. Your passion is mobile development and you want to work on successful products, used by millions of people all over Europe? Come and join mytaxi and design the future with us!

Can you describe the work environment at mytaxi?

Mytaxi prides itself on a strong team spirit and simple company culture. Our teams organize themselves in established agile working environments and everyone works flexibly and independently. Every single employee is a part of our success story and so, open communication and a fair feedback culture come naturally to us. We are passionate problem-solvers who always listen and understand before we act. By working together — with each other, customers, drivers and cities — we make things better. Work with the best team in the world (we know, everybody says so, but at mytaxi it’s true). Become a part of our mytaxi family, you won’t regret it.

What growth opportunities do you offer to your employees?

At mytaxi you will receive training close to the job. Learning from peers is the basic idea of our training concept “mytaxi — mytraining”. But also your manager will support you in improving by conducting regular 1:1s and performance reviews. There are unlimited blank pages for you to put your fingerprint on!

What’s the tech scene like in Germany? How is it to have 3 different tech hubs in so different cities?

The tech scene in Germany is a very matured market. To attract the right talent as well as a variety of people, we have three tech hubs based in Hamburg, Barcelona and Berlin. All three are different on a very detailed level. We recruit people from all over the world and observe that we can compete with other main tech locations worldwide. Berlin and Barcelona seem to be more attractive for people from outside of Europe though, especially Berlin has a high startup density.

Prove that you’re The One. What would attract candidates to work for you?

We offer great learning and development opportunities through internal and external workshops, excellent monetary benefits (a pension plan, a monthly mobility allowance for free taxi rides, subsidised public transport ticket) and a quiet-Policy to ensure uninterrupted working time …and all the usual start-up goodies like fruit, unlimited soft drinks, after-work beers, a chill-out room with a massage chair, a foosball table and many more. Oh, and the opportunity to work with the best team in the world (we know, everybody says so, but at mytaxi it’s true)!

What’s the future of tech careers?

Over the last 10 years, the career path and development of engineers as well as managers in tech became more and more relevant and is more important than ever in 2018 and the future. Therefore, we focus on personal development in our tech department as well. Thus, it is needed to have a technical- and functional career path which can be picked as a developer. In general, more and more engineers request career opportunities and wish to do more than writing software.




We believe in a future where individuals have ownership of their careers and use their talent to impact society in a meaningful, fair, and sustainable way.