Typeform — Behind the scenes

Published in
4 min readFeb 7, 2018

Founded: 2015
Tech stack: Go, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala
Employees(#): 180 (75 tech)
Headquarters: Barcelona

What’s the story behind Typeform? What problem are you solving?

When’s the last time you completed an online form that was fun? Audiences love Typeform because it’s intuitive, incredibly engaging, and dare we say, enjoyable to interact with. Because of this, Typeform gets completion rates up to 4x higher than regular old forms. This makes data collection a breeze for entrepreneurs, researchers, educators, event planners, and anyone interested in getting closer to their audience.

What do you do and what makes your service exciting?

What’s the future of online data collection? Will it be voice? How will machine learning play a role? Is there a place for augmented reality? What about holographic technology? At Typeform, these are some of the questions we’re grappling with. Why? Because we want to be the best at conversational data collection. That means lots of experimentation. And it means working on problems that don’t exist — yet. Typeform is leading the future of conversational data collection. Shape the industry with us — and help make the web a little more human.

What kind of talent are you looking for?

From development perspective, we’re looking for Senior and Mif Front End and Back End Developers, QA with automation and Systems Engineer

Can you describe the work environment at Typeform?

Typeform is making data collection a little more human. And we’re evolving like never before. But we’re still young, and you’ll get to shape the future of this company — beyond that, the industry. We’re looking for a talented, passionate, and pragmatic People to join our team of 44 different nationalities in Barcelona. You’ll work closely with our designers to create unbeatable human experiences. We put fun at the heart at the heart of everything we do — and set ambitious goals to push things forward. Come help us shape the future of online data collection.

What growth opportunities do you offer to your employees?

Do you know your monolith from your microservices? As a high-growth organization, we need an architecture that scales in a big way — by at least 20x, to be exact. Come help us scale, integrate Typeform with other platforms, and find the right solutions for the right problems. You’ll help us pick up the pace when it comes to delivering real value to our users. Here’s Tom, our head of engineering: “Working at Typeform means growing. Growing the platform, growing our user base, and growing as an individual. As part of that growth we’re always looking to be more efficient, by automating our infrastructure operations as much as we can.”

What’s the tech scene like in Barcelona? Are you happy to have your headquarters there?

Barcelona has many characteristics that are making it increasingly attractive for entrepreneurs and quickly positioning the city into a European startup & innovation city. Compared to other European innovation hubs like London, Barcelona is affordable, making it a better location for young companies to start their innovative projects. Salaries are lower, but rent costs are not even comparable with cities like London or Paris, transport, food, etc is much cheaper in Barcelona while the quality of life is good. Apart from lower living costs, the lifestyle of Barcelona is one of the reasons as well why entrepreneurs want to move here; long day of work and stress here can be balanced with a relaxing time drinking cava or “cerveza” at a local bar. Sunny days, you may think that this has nothing to do with the topic, but guess what? Sun makes people happier, it increases positivity and motivation to do things, while everything is less stressful and more friendly. The city is attracting talented people from around the world and last year it was ranked as the most visited city in Europe after London and Paris. Barcelona has undergone a transformation in recent years. It has always been known for great thinkers, creative artists and architects, but now it can add “smart city”, “ mobile capital”, “leading startup city”. In fact, Barcelona has now achieved that it is among Europe’s hottest innovation hubs. Have you ever heart that crises creates opportunities? Well, this is the case of Barcelona. When a financial crisis created 50 percent of youth unemployment, people in Barcelona were forced to become more innovative, creative and independent, become entrepreneurs. Thanks to this wave of fresh young talent, startups and small businesses took off, creating a surge of coworking spaces and a collaborative spirit that helped the city form a sense of community, vital for the success of innovation hubs. The growing number of accelerators, business angels, venture capital investments,etc show money, for many, is no longer an issue. Investments in Spanish companies have grown steadily over the past few years, pointing to a relative improvement of the investment ecosystem and a huge amount of money available to invest in startups. Like Carlos Blanco — well-known investor from Barcelona said another day that there are much more money available to invest in startups, than number of startups themselves. So now it’s a matter of good idea, team and business model.

Prove that you’re The One. What would attract candidates to work for you?

Flexible international culture, great product, attention to detail, human approach and great location (Sunny Barcelona)

What’s the future of tech careers?

It’s the present




We believe in a future where individuals have ownership of their careers and use their talent to impact society in a meaningful, fair, and sustainable way.