Podcasts during confinement: Diseño y Diáspora and Design in Transition

We’ve been interviewed for two key podcast exploring the emergence of design and its social impact

Adrià Garcia i Mateu
Oct 30, 2020


During this pandemic we had the time to share our views for two amazing podcasts, Diseño y Diáspora, lead by Mariana Salgado, and Design in Transition, hosted by several researchers at Carnegie Mellon University.

With both of them we covered topics several topics around our work; how we approach transition design and why we think is fitting in the times both our societies and design inddustry, how do we organise as a collective and the importance of that to carry design work in our terms, and concrete projects where these things get materialised. Do check them and the rest of talks on their respective podcast list and let us know :)



Adrià Garcia i Mateu

Iterating what I mean to be human today. Work @weareholon life @bordacoop fun @SomEDIVI. On #coexistence and #design, some fancy posts in catalan too