A case for service acceleration at Polestar

Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2020

In an elevator?

Then here’s an elevator story: In the space of a few short months we helped plan, prototype, staff-up and roll out digital services for the launch of the Polestar automobile.

The Polestar


The boundary-breaking Polestar was approaching launch, and the demands and expectations of a digital-native generation for services needed addressed.

Client: Polestar
Industry: Automotive
Duration: Ongoing
Delivery: Architecture, Tech Platform, Ways of Working / Process Development, Service Design


Polestar asked us to create an architectural prototype intended to showcase a modern, scalable, global and operationally light platform.


The prototype we delivered was enough to convince Polestar to work with us. The Polestar ecosystem leverages Amazon Web Services, a serverless approach and is naturally cloud-native. The development team works closely with the international design team thanks to a set of processes ensuring rapid iteration, a unified approach to visuals and a component pipeline.


We were instrumental in setting up the core platform, its features and ways-of-working, and ensuring continuous developer and stakeholder onboarding. Beyond the initial January 2020 release, which was already very tight, we have scaled to more than 15 individual teams where most of them work on separate new services, products, or offerings, all according to the tenets and baseline we helped form.

Is your company in need of setting up digital services that your customers need, want and will pay for? Perhaps you’re in the middle of moving from products > services? Either way our unique Service Acceleration packages can help. If you’d like to find out more, call or mail me.

Russell Clark
e. russell.clark@humblebee.se
t. +46 (0)734 359 741
w. humblebee.se




We create digital products & services. We live at the top of a big hill in Gothenburg, Sweden. Get inside our minds at: https://medium.com/wearehumblebee