Fast tracking digital service acceleration

Russell Clark
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2021

TL;DR. We’ve packaged and ‘productised’ certain digital service activities according to the major headaches we hear from the people we meet at organisations. You can see the fast track packages here and the longer more transformative packages here.

Productising? Say what?

We’ve productised a few things. Full disclosure: I actively dislike the term ‘productise’. It feels like a word made up by a child. Especially if you insist on spelling it with a ‘z’, but let’s not go there…

However, that’s exactly what we’ve done. We’re a digital service design studio. We rightly spend most of our time recommending to organisations they move towards digital services, or ‘servitisation’ (yes, another questionable term :). My esteemed colleague David Joelsson wrote a fantastic white paper all about it.

Our consultants at Humblebee live, breath and eat digital services and their ability to catalyse digital business acceleration.

Despite this, we’ve ‘productised’ selected services of our own…

Why did we productise certain things?

We meet here on a regular basis, a motley crue of people who have most client contact and with some chosen advisors from specific industries. We discuss the headaches our clients (or potential clients) have. What are the challenges in their everyday work life, and in the near future for their industry? In other words we listen to the market. Our market. The organisations we want to help.

We find out how it would be easier for them to get started; what’s stopping them (internally) from taking pragmatic steps towards better digital business; how it could be easier for them to purchase digital services and work with a studio like ours.

As the market changes, we’ll productise more services if we feel they help organisations move quicker and get results quicker.

So what do organisations have headaches about?

It’s funny, the more people we meet, the more we recognise many of their headaches are not unique to just them. We see the same patterns and the same challenges at many of the organisations we sit down with.

Our discussions with c-level staff often reveal there is awareness of their organisation facing threats from new competitors. There is awareness of the unstoppable convergence of their industry into others. However… there is less clarity on what the hell they should practically do about it. Today.

After all, they have next quarter’s figures to focus on... How to plan for surviving the next 6,8,10 years is not top of mind.

Some typical (recurring) conversations:

  • How (and where) should we start our ‘digital transformation’? I think we’ve already started…?
  • We don’t have the capacity to embrace technology as we should.
  • We don’t have the skills in-house.
  • We can’t attract and hire the competences we need quick enough.
  • Our competition is moving faster, what can we do?
  • How do we handle disruption in our market?
  • How can we create new revenue streams digitally, or from data?

Problem? There’s a package for that.

With the aforementioned headaches and challenges in mind, we’ve packaged certain services that get organisations started quicker, and with minimal risk. We have assigned fixed prices where possible for maximum clarity and ease of purchase.

  • You’re not sure where to start your digital business transformation? OK, when was the last time you received honest, independent feedback and intel from the most important people… your existing customers? We have a package that can get you rapid insights.
  • You want to get started with low risk and you want to see concrete improvements. How about a User Experience health check package? Let us recommend changes to your existing digital tools for bottom-line benefits.
  • Your industry is changing around you. You need to test and validate new business models quicker than ever. Try this pilot as a service package.
  • You may not be staffed with the right skill sets to deliver outstanding digital services. Attracting and hiring the sharpest digital business teams is tough, and extremely time consuming. Let us help you scale-up a team quicker and more effectively than any recruitment drive you will ever attempt. Talent-as-a-service Package.
  • You need to increase the pace of your digital ‘transformation’ to stay relevant? Give us 12 months and we’ll overhaul your business digitally from top to bottom with our Service Acceleration package.

For any consultancy firm it’s vital to keep listening to the market, recognising the problems and headaches you hear and reacting to them — quickly offering the kind of services that will add genuine value. Plus anything we can do to make it easier for people to work with us is a worthwhile endeavour.




Russell Clark

Service Design | Business Design | Scotsman | Entrepreneur | Hearts FC Fan.