UI Design

UI trends to look out for in 2023

As we move into the future, user interface (UI) design will continue to evolve and change to meet the needs of users and keep up with technology advancements.

Shubhanjay Sathe
Stories by Index Studio


Here are some trends in UI design to look out for in 2023:


Personalization UI is a trend in user interface design that involves customizing the interface of a device or software to suit the individual preferences and needs of each user. This can be achieved through various means such as personalized recommendations, tailored content, and customizable layout options.

Benefits of personalization is that it can improve the user experience by making the device or software more relevant and useful to the user. By offering personalized recommendations and tailored content, a device or software can better meet the needs and interests of the user, leading to increased satisfaction and engagement.Also, it can help to build a stronger connection between the user and the device or software. By allowing the user to customize the interface to their liking, the device or software can feel more like an extension of the user’s own personality and preferences.

Main challenge is ensuring that the personalization features are implemented in a way that is easy to use and understand for the user. It’s also important to ensure that the personalization features are effective at delivering relevant and useful content and recommendations to the user.

Read this article by Amy Schade on Customization vs Personalization , to understand better.

Personalised Recommendations and tailored content on Apple Music

Voice interfaces (VUI)

Voice user interfaces (VUI) is a trend in user interface design that involves using voice commands and spoken responses as a means of interacting with a device or software. This type of UI can be seen on many modern devices such as smartphones, smart speakers, and smart home devices.

Benefits of VUI is that it allows users to interact with their devices in a more natural and convenient way. By using voice commands, users can perform tasks and access features without having to physically touch the device or navigate through menus. This can be especially useful in situations where it is difficult or inconvenient to use a traditional UI, such as when driving or cooking. Mainly, it can help to make technology more accessible to people with disabilities. By allowing users to control devices and access information through voice commands, VUI can help to overcome barriers posed by physical buttons and small screens.

Main challenge is ensuring that the voice recognition software is accurate and able to understand a wide range of accents and dialects. It’s also important to ensure that the voice commands are easy to remember and use for the user.

Read this article by Mert AktasA Definitive Guide to Voice User Interface Design (VUI)” to learn more.

Photo by Sebastian Scholz (Nuki) on Unsplash


Microinteractions are a trend in user interface design that involves creating small, self-contained interactions within a device or software that serve a specific purpose. These interactions can include things like changing the volume on a music player, turning on a flashlight on a smartphone, or “liking” a post on social media.

Benefits of microinteractions is that they can help to make a device or software more engaging and enjoyable to use. By adding small details and animations to everyday tasks, microinteractions can help to create a sense of delight and surprise for the user and they can help to make a device or software feel more responsive and intuitive. By providing immediate feedback for actions taken by the user, microinteractions can help to create a sense of control and satisfaction for the user.

Main challenge is ensuring that the microinteractions are designed in a way that is intuitive and easy to understand for the user. It’s also important to ensure that the microinteractions do not distract or interfere with the main tasks being performed by the user.

Feedback Reactions by Aaron Iker

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are trends in user interface design that involve creating immersive, interactive experiences for users through the use of technology.

AR involves overlaying digital content on top of the real world, typically through the use of a smartphone or other device with a camera. This can include things like displaying information about a location, overlaying digital objects on top of physical objects, or providing directions through a map.

VR involves creating a completely immersive digital environment that the user can interact with. This is typically achieved through the use of a headset that the user wears over their eyes, creating the illusion of being in a different place.

Benefits of AR and VR is that they can provide a more engaging and immersive experience for the user. By allowing the user to interact with digital content in a more realistic and tangible way, AR and VR can create a sense of presence and immersion that is not possible with traditional user interfaces.Advantage of AR and VR is that they can be used for a wide range of applications, from entertainment and gaming to education and training.

Main challenge is ensuring that the technology is reliable and seamless, as any glitches or latency can significantly impact the user experience. It’s also important to consider the hardware requirements for AR and VR, as these can be more demanding than traditional user interfaces.

Read this article by Ted Evans on VR/AR design

Picture @ META

Asymmetry and broken grid layouts

Asymmetry and broken grid layouts are trends in user interface design that involve breaking away from traditional, symmetrical layouts and using irregular, asymmetrical layouts instead. This can involve elements being placed at different heights, widths, and positions on the page, or using irregular shapes and patterns instead of a uniform grid.

Benefits of asymmetry and broken grid layouts is that they can help to create a more visually interesting and engaging user interface. By breaking away from the predictable and uniform nature of traditional layouts, asymmetry and broken grid layouts can add a sense of excitement and novelty to the user experience. They can also help to draw the user’s attention to specific elements or areas of the interface. By using irregular shapes and positions, designers can guide the user’s eye towards important content or calls to action.

Main challenge is ensuring that the irregular layout does not distract or confuse the user, or make it difficult for them to navigate the interface. It’s also important to consider the overall balance and harmony of the layout, as too much asymmetry can create a sense of chaos or disorganization.


Minimalism is a trend in user interface design that involves using simple, clean designs with a minimal amount of elements and distractions. This can involve using a limited color palette, simple typography, and plenty of white space.

Benefits of minimalism in UI design is that it can help to create a sense of clarity and simplicity for the user. By reducing the number of elements on the screen, a minimalist interface can make it easier for the user to focus on the most important content and tasks.

Main challenge is ensuring that the minimal design does not become too minimal, to the point where it becomes difficult for the user to find and access the necessary content and features. It’s also important to consider the balance between simplicity and functionality, as a minimalist interface may not always be the best choice for more complex tasks.

Read article on Minimal UI for maximum impact

3D design elements

Using 3D design elements in user interfaces is a trend that involves adding three-dimensional elements and effects to the interface to create a more realistic and immersive experience for the user. This can include things like 3D graphics, 3D animations, and 3D models.

Benefits of using 3D design elements is that they can help to create a more visually interesting and dynamic user interface. By adding movement and animation, 3D elements can bring an added level of excitement and interactivity to the user experience.

Main challenge is ensuring that the 3D elements are implemented in a way that is seamless and intuitive for the user. It’s also important to consider the performance implications of using 3D elements, as they can be more resource-intensive than traditional 2D elements.

Superscene 3D Constructor by Craftwork Studio

Bold and vibrant colors

Using bold and vibrant colors in user interface design is a trend that involves using bright, bold colors to add visual interest and impact to the interface. This can be achieved through the use of solid blocks of color, gradients, or color accents.

Benifits of bold and vibrant colors is that they can help to create a distinct and memorable brand identity. By using bold and vibrant colors as part of a consistent color scheme, a brand can create a visual signature that is easily recognized and associated with the company.

Main challenge is ensuring that the colors are used in a way that is harmonious and balanced, and does not overwhelm or distract the user. It’s also important to consider the legibility of text and other elements when using bold and vibrant colors, as some color combinations can make it difficult to read.

Read “Bright Colors in UI Design: Benefits and Pitfalls

Sick Web by Maxim Berg


Gesture UI is a trend in user interface design that involves using gestures as a means of interacting with a device or software. This type of UI can be seen on many modern devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smart watches.

One of the main benefits of gesture UI is that it allows users to interact with their devices in a more natural and intuitive way. By using gestures such as swipes, taps, and pinches, users can perform tasks and access features without having to rely on physical buttons or complicated menus. This can make using a device faster and more efficient, as well as being more enjoyable for the user. It can help to create a more seamless and immersive experience for the user. By eliminating the need for physical buttons and other traditional UI elements, a device can feel more like an extension of the user’s own body, allowing them to move more freely and naturally with the rise of touch less gestures.

There are also some challenges to implementing gesture UI. One of the main challenges is ensuring that the gestures are intuitive and easy to remember for the user. It’s also important to ensure that the gestures are consistent across different devices and operating systems, so that users can easily switch between different devices without having to learn new gestures.


It’s clear that there are many exciting UI trends to look out for in 2023. From 3D design elements to bold colors and gestures, there are plenty of options for designers to create visually appealing and engaging designs. Additionally, the increasing use of voice user interfaces and virtual and augmented reality technologies has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with websites and apps.

However, it’s important to remember to not get too carried away with trends and to always consider the needs and preferences of your target audience. By keeping up with these trends and staying true to your design goals and user needs, you can create a truly standout and user-friendly UI.



Shubhanjay Sathe
Stories by Index Studio

A designer passionate about creating intuitive and user-friendly designs. Follow me on Medium for updates on my latest work and thoughts on the industry.