Join Interactive yEarn AMA with YFI Multisig Signer Cooper Turley

Published in
5 min readJul 28, 2020
  • The new experiment to make virtual event more interactive
  • AMA with Cooper Turley
  • Committing on xDAI network.

The new experiment to make virtual event more interactive

Since the COVID lock down started, all conferences and meetup moved to “Virtual”. I have attended countless number of such events but I have been a bit frustrated by the lack of networking aspect. Most virtual events are fairly moderated to prevent zoombombing(unwanted, disruptive intrusion generally by Internet trolls and hackers, into a video conference call) or simply to handle large volume of anonymous audience. You will be lucky if one of your questions on the comment section get picked up, but it’s hard to make “conversation” out of the format.

Also from the event organiser and speakers end, it is getting extremely harder to charge and monetize from online events because such “virtual event” does not incur much cost (venue, catering) nor physical capacity. Given there are countless of virtual summits happening every day and users can easily switch to just watch Netflix, competition for the online event space is fierce than ever.

To break such convention, we are trying out new format using Kickback’s new feature.

  • Instead of trying to compete with massive online events measuring page view as a success factor, organise small size event where each participant has a chance to contribute to the conversation.
  • You commit some amount upfront to be invited to private event space where the commitment is used for moderation. If some participants misbehave, your commitment is slashed, which allows organisers to invite more participants as a panel of speakers, rather than silent & anonymous audience. As an added bonus, the slashed commitment will be shared among the rest of the attendees.
  • Once the event is over, you have a choice to either get all the commitment back as a payout, or give some of full of the payout to the speaker if you think you gained something out of the event.

AMA with Cooper Turley

To start off our new experiment, I wanted to pick the hottest topic you are scratching itches to ask questions to someone who is in neck deep into the topic. yearn finance has been such a topic which everybody can’t stop talking about and I am pleased to announce our AMA session with Cooper Turley.

Cooper is the Editor of DeFi Rate and a frequent contributor to the Defiant. He’s actively involved in the DAO ecosystem through MetaCartel and Raid Guild where he summoned a crypto-native eSports DAO — MetaClan. His passion for community-first incentives has created a strong breeding ground for governance and the creation of a web3 ownership economy.

Cooper is now one of the active contributors to yearn governance forum and he must be exhausted to handle all the attention yearn ecosystem suddenly got. To make sure we can make the most of his time, we also created a threshold that we will cancel the event unless we get minimum of 10 RSVPs.

Committing on xDai network

Everybody knows that current high gas is too high to use Dapps outside of Defi use. We recently integrated to xDai side chain to ease off the pain, and here is the quick guide.

Step 1: Convert DAI to xDai at

Moving money from different chain still cost money so you may want to do in a lamp sum. When I transferred 50 DAI with 130gwei, it cost $1.56. After your transaction got confirmed on Mainnet, it will probably take about 5 min to move that across to xDai network. Just be patient until you see the success message below.

Step 2: Add “Custom RPC” on Metamask

At the Metamask extension, pick “Custom RPC” and add the following details.

Step 3: RSVP on Kickback

The rest of the step is as usual. You can follow our “Getting started” guide to complete the RSVP process. Unlike Mainnet where you have to press 2 buttons (1: Allow RSVP with token , 2: RSVP), it’s only one step. This is because xDai is the main currency of the side chain so you don’t need the first step which is usually necessary for any ERC20 based smart contract interaction on the Mainnet. You will also be amazed how cheap the gas price once you are in the xDai.

RSVPing in the Kickback across different chain is not the easiest task yet but I am sure that you can manage to do it given you managed to go all the hoops to participate YFI yield farming.

If you are interested, please RSVP on Kickback and also ask your friends to RSVP to make sure the event happens.

