Kickback at #Devcon4 (Part 2: by the numbers)

Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2018

In the previous post, I went through the number of 4 events where 438 people have committed ETH 0.02 (total ETH 8.76) and 286 people have been marked as attended (65% turn up) . This is the follow up post of going through the remaining three events.

[Blockchain for good workshop]

  • Wednesday, 31st Oct 2018 18:00–22:00
  • 62% turn ups (25/40)
  • ETH 0.032 payout

Like the last 4 events, Alice had exactly the same turn up ratio (62%) and payout (ETH 0.032). What’s different was the fact that they also used EventBrite which only 10% of people turned up. The figure may not be the exact comparison as people with EventBrite had no incentive to step up to make themselves marked as attended. In fact, Kickback turnup was around 50% until very end when Raphaël Mazet of Alice - blockchain for social impact gave a shout on stage to remind people to be checked-in via Kickback.

Our swag T-shirts finally arrived and they all got snatched at the event

[Aragon Dream DAO party]

  • Thursday, 1st Nov 2018 18:30
  • 58% turn ups (29/55)
  • ETH 0.086 payout

Aragon was the interesting case whether higher payout could encourage more people to turn up.

As far as reading the result that was not the case. We could have a few more people marked as attended if we wait finalisation period a bit longer, but that wouldn't’ have increased the value to 80% nor 90% anyway.

Having said that events were still packed and people who turned up seemed enjoying the higher payout.

[From Political Centralization to Decentralization of Everything]

  • Saturday 3rd November 2018, 16:00–18:30
  • 62.5% turn ups (5/8)
  • ETH 0.032 payout

This was the final event powered by Kickback. In the earlier event there were only 3 RSVPs (and 1 turn up) so we promoted in various ways including RadicalBodies made by Lane Rettig and the team applying Harberger tax model into each human body (the system was not ready so we just ended up forcing Lane to wear our T-shirts). In the end 8 people RSVPed.

If Radical bodies actually work, Lane should have kept waring the kickback T-shirts until taken over by @ChurchOfConsens


In total, 497 people (including duplicates) RSVPed across 7 events committing ETH 10.81 into our smart contracts. 389 people turned up (63%) and had received 156% payout (excluding gas cost) on average.

The reason for lower than expected turn up is yet to be found as there are so many variables involved and also no base line to compare (with the exception of one case where EventBrite participation was 10%). We have to run lot more events to have more meaningful number. For the time being, thank you very much for participating our experiments!.

