Learn something new with Kickback

Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2020
Image from https://www.mutualventures.co.uk/public-services-in-2021/

Now that 2020 is about to end and many of you may be reflecting this year and planning for 2021. As usual, you may want to do something new which doesn’t last for more than 3 days. A few weeks ago, we announced Kickback new year resolution challenge to propose doing it on Kickback (pledging platform where you pledge to do something and if you don’t your pledge gets redistributed to those who do) so you can have skin in the game. After a few discussion in the planning channel, we decided to focus more on learning and would like to announce the two challenges.

Challenge 1: Try new Defi applications

As more Defi projects introduce their protocol tokens and start doing a retrospective airdrop, it is obvious for people to start speculating on what other tokens would do the next lucrative token launch and get in before they announce.

We follow the alpha leak tweet from Marc Zeller(NOTE: This is NOT investment advice) and created a challenge to try the 7 protocols (dydx, paraswap, furucombo, zapper, instadapp, opyn, Defisaver) he speculated on having new governance tokens.

Once you stake, use the dapp and share the transaction hash or screenshot as proof like this (make sure that your transaction was successful btw).

I also encourage that you share any podcast, youtube video or articles you may have used to study the protocol to help to teach each other.

This challenge has to be done by the end of Jan 2021

Challenge 2: Practice every day for 30 days

DevCon6 is currently scheduled to happen in Bogota so it may be a great opportunity to start learning Spanish.

The second challenge is to practice your new hobby/language every day for 30 days (if you forget 3 days, you are out) and share the progress on our discord channel with a screenshot so that our Discord bot (aka Jeff bot) can keep track of the progress.

When we have done fitness challenges in the past, a few people showed interests but decided not to participate as they hesitate to share themselves doing exercises. This screenshot approach is less revealing your privacy so hopefully, more people can join in and learn together.

We were initially thinking about creating a separate challenge for various other learnings or creative activities but we are going to combine into this challenge, so don’t hesitate to join if you want to do other learning besides language learning or creative activities.

We wish you a happy new year and let’s trying something new together!!

