Why I Work Remotely

Sara Miteva
Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2019
Working remotely as a bliss

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Working remotely is picking up all over the world. According to a Softchoice study, 74% of employees would quit their office jobs for companies that offer remote work. Traveling, having more time for yourself and the ones you love, are only some of the reasons why. I started working remotely two years ago and here is why I’m not going back to the office any time soon:

You get things done

Yes, you will actually get things done, probably faster and better than you do in the office. How many times have you had three or four hours of full productivity in the office without any distractions? Can you even remember a day like that? How many of the eight hours you spend at the office are actually productive? 65% of the respondents of Flexjobs’ Annual Survey believe that they are more productive at home than in a traditional office.

Working remotely gives you the freedom to choose your own space where you have your own privacy and where you feel like you’re the most productive version of yourself. Jason Fried, one of the co-founders of Basecamp, described this perfectly in one of his TED Talks:

“I’ve been asking people this question for about 10 years: “Where do you go when you really need to get something done?” I’ll hear things like the porch, the deck, the kitchen. I’ll hear things like an extra room in the house, the basement, the coffee shop, the library. And then you’ll hear things like the train, a plane, a car — so, the commute. And then you’ll hear people say, “Well, it doesn’t really matter where I am, as long as it’s early in the morning or late at night or on the weekends.” You almost never hear someone say, “The office.” But businesses are spending all this money on this place called the office, and they’re making people go to it all the time, yet people don’t do work in the office.”

You listen to yourself

Working remotely will set you free from the back pains you were feeling when you had to sit eight hours per day. It will give you the possibility to create the workspace you feel most comfortable in — both physically and mentally. There are days when you don’t feel like going out of bed and you wish you could do everything from there — and that’s okay. You can stay in bed and still rock at work. When you need to be more creative at work, it can even be more inspiring.

Stay fresh all day long

When you start office work early in the morning, you probably can’t wait for that lunch break at 1 o’clock to come. And when it comes, you’re already anxious and starving. At least that’s how I felt. Now, I can take a break whenever I want to and feel fresher than I did at the office. Maybe, like me, you’re the type of person who likes to take 10-minute breaks every hour instead of one big lunch break — and that’s okay too.

Working remotely will give you the freedom to choose when you want to work and when you want to take rest. Do you feel like your most productive hours are in the evening? Go for it! The important thing is to find the time that suits you best and use it.

Stress is filtered out

Every job has its stressful moments whether you’re working remotely or in-office. However, working remotely significantly reduces stress. According to Flexjobs’ Annual Survey, 86% of the respondents said that they would be less stressed if they worked from home. You won’t need to worry whether you’ll make it to that very important meeting or you’ll get stuck in traffic. You won’t need to leave an hour earlier just to be there. You’ll be able to use that hour for more work or something else that makes you happy. Any meeting can be just one call away.

Your loved ones appreciate it

The work-life balance we often hear about is a real struggle, especially if you have kids. Having control over your time will enable you to take your kids to school, pick them up, prepare them a snack, and give them a lot of time they will remember.

Your marriage will also benefit from it — a Manchester Metropolitan University study says that married people who work from home feel happier than they were when they were working in an office. This part has actually no direct connection with your productivity, but if you’re happy, it’s more likely that you will perform better at work.

No location limits

Maybe working from the beach is not the most practical thing — let’s be real, the sunlight will prevent you from seeing anything on your screen. However, traveling can be a real bliss from working remotely. The “meeting new people and cultures” cliché might not be a cliché after all. If you are more of a routine person, you probably won’t pursue this lifestyle long-term, but you can always use a change sometimes and look for the adventurer in you. It’s good to know that you are flexible to go wherever you want to without the need to plan anything in advance.

Coworking spaces are fun

Coworking spaces and laptop-friendly cafes could be the alternative if you feel bored or lonely at home. For me, coworking spaces are places where I’ve met so many interesting people who have become my friends or valuable contacts for further career development. There’s always so much you can learn from all these different people that you encounter with there. They usually charge a minimal monthly fee that covers a spot for you, coffee, and maybe some snacks. But if you’re an extrovert and want to be in constant communication with people, this experience could be priceless.

Working remotely can be a challenge, especially if you’re an experienced office worker used to the 8-hour-long working day. Suddenly, you need to show some good organizational skills and make a smart schedule for your day that will actually get things done. After a while (sooner than you think), you will start liking wearing your pajamas while working. You will start loving the nice, home-cooked meal every day without the rush to make it by the end of your break time. Your home won’t be the place where you just binge-watch all those Netflix series, it will become a place that reminds you of some kick-ass work that you did. Before you know it, you will embrace the possibilities the new way of life is giving you and start taking advantage of it.

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Sara Miteva

Senior Technical PMM @ Checkly | Secure your app's uptime with Monitoring as Code | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sara-miteva/