Staying Happy at Home

Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2020

As an office manager in NYC (the world’s greatest city with not so easy people!) I know what it takes to make people happy, even when that changes from one day to the next. So why should quarantine be any different?!

With Originate’s office closed, my co-workers at home, and limited social activities (bc you know, quarantine), I put together some ways I’ve been keeping the fun going from (6ft away). I hope you find a nugget that might work for you too!

  1. A lot of shops are offering discounts on items bought in bulk or by the case. My local market does so I bought 2lbs of my favorite chocolate bars and ate half of it within a week. Support local businesses you love while eating more of the things you love too.
  2. Turns out there’s a lot of squash and tennis courts in public parks and whacking a ball is a great way to move your limbs and blow off some steam. Courts closed off? Take a shot against any wall you can find. No wall? Paddleball might do.
  3. Now’s a great time to learn how to cook a new dish. On Thursday I attempted octopus and it was the most awful creation I’ve ever brought into this world (besides that one time I made waffles for the office and they tasted like a bench). But Tuesday I made a huge comeback with a béchamel! Perfect time for quarantine because I would have not have shut up about it otherwise.
  4. When planning a grocery trip, check in with your neighbors a few days ahead and see if they need any essentials. You can easily do this by posting a note with your email near the mailboxes (or on their door) and letting them know what day you’ll be making the trip. You could really make someone’s day by being a good ol’ fashioned neighbor.
  5. Take an online class! Many university classes have moved online and I’ve found them to be surprisingly much more efficient and seamless. There’s a lot of opportunities to learn something new or even teach a course of your own.
  6. If you’re cooped up with a significant other in your tiny apartment, plan an “indifferent first date” themed dinner and try to out-crap each other. You can hole yourself up in the bathroom for 40 minutes, text them from 7ft away that your “uber is stuck in traffic” or that “work was crazy”, and actually be very rudely late because you were doing laundry instead of getting ready.
  7. Get your pickle on! Pickling is a fantastic pass-the-time project that’s like mailing yourself a surprise without having to wait in line at the post office. This is a great recipe to get you started on your pickling palooza.
  8. Plant things! Onions, scallions, and garlic scraps regenerate easily by placing them in a bowl of water near a window. Change the water every other day so the smell doesn’t haunt you in your sleep.
  9. Lastly, this is a perfect time to reserve time each day to practice a few good habits you’ve been wanting to adjust. Perhaps it’s simply a better morning routine or taking a few moments to remind yourself of all the things to be grateful for. Regardless, take care of yourself, look out for each other, and take a deep breath (while wearing a mask if outside).




Hi, I’m Caroline, an Office Manager at Originate.