Could students really learn from their peers ?

WAP Community
We Are Peers
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2018

When we talked about peer learning with people worked in education, sometimes we get responses like this:

Really? Students don’t have much knowledge. They are so young. So lack of experience. How could they learn from each other?

We asked Ruoqi what has she learnt and felt during the WAP program. She was part of WAP (We Are Peers) Program in September 2017.

Here is what she said:

Ideas are much more valuable and worthy to share with others than I have ever thought ! One word, one sentence, one story of your peer will inspire you and lead you to a new world.

For example, during these two sessions, a participants has introduced a latest and developing concept — B corporation (B Corp). As she told us, B Corps are for-profit companies certified by the nonprofit B Lab to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. It means that a company makes profit and undertakes the responsibilities for social or environment by using power of the business.

With work experience was in a B corporation company, she is quite familiar with this type company and shares some of her own experience with us in order to make the concept clearer and more realistic.

To conclude, after attending WAP, I would do a research and attach more importance to B corp.

When asked to interact according to the WAP’s style, it was a little bit confused and afraid to share or move on — We never work something in this creative and unique way. It takes time to get familiar how it works.

I believe everyone could find their most interested topic and discover it from now.

WAP is a mixed culture with variable knowledge, all you need to do is to absorb the knowledge that hit you deeply, of course, bring with your own valuable idea.



WAP Community
We Are Peers

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