WeAreSatoshi (WSX) Project Update

Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2019

WeAreSatoshi (WSX) Project Update

The WeAreSatoshi (WSX) team would like to start off by giving a huge THANK YOU to everyone that has supported WeAreSatoshi over the last six months. We know between different things that were out of our control (the Cryptopia exchange security breach for example) there have been some frustrating times, but many of you have stuck with us and we really appreciate the trust and support.

We as a project team have said many times we believe in being honest and transparent with our WSX community. The WeAreSatoshi team has been working hard behind the scenes for months to help solidify our long-term project plan and roadmap, and to keep in the spirit of honesty and transparency we would like to give a couple of updates.

Masternodes — Masternodes have been part of our overall plan since the current team took over WeAreSatoshi last November, but the more we have solidified our long-term strategy and plan the more we have realized that masternodes are not the best option for our project at this time. Because of this, we are officially informing everyone that as of now we are planning to stay with the Staking model of PoS we currently have as opposed to switching over to a masternodes model. We know many of you were excited about masternodes, but we really feel as a team it is best to not go that direction at this time.

Bitcoin Stealth — The proposed Bitcoin Stealth fork was announced before the current team took over late last year. We have spent months evaluating how this fits into our long-term strategy and have decided that this is also not the best way for WeAreSatoshi to proceed. The Bitcoin Stealth fork does not fit into our project plans and for this reason we will not be moving forward with it.

We know some of you will be disappointed by these updates but now that our long-term strategy and roadmap have been more solidified we feel these choices are in the best interest of WSX. Since we have just officially decided on these two items we wanted to communicate out to the community in a quick fashion to ensure we continued to be honest and transparent with you.

We have more announcements to come so please continue to check back on our different social media outlets (Medium, Twitter, Discord, Telegram, etc) to ensure you stay up to date with our project.

