Chatbots will be involved in 85% of interactions by the end of 2020

Sinch Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2021

Chatbots are becoming indispensable in Brazil and in the world. Written by Rodrigo Passeira — Head of Product

Chatbots are becoming indispensable in Brazil and in the world. Proof of this is that, according to a study by Gartner, Brazil grew more than 100% in the sector in 2018, accompanied by a 60% increase in message traffic. In addition, the trend is that chatbots will be involved in 85% of interactions between companies and consumers by 2020, and 50% of companies in the world will invest more in this type of solution than in the development of mobile applications.

The market still has a lot to expand, since, despite the great growth it has been showing, it is still explored by a small portion of companies in the country. We were able to see a lot of progress in Artificial Intelligence and change in the way of communication, with the opening of APIs, such as Messenger and WhatsApp. We believe that interactions between companies and customers will become increasingly conversational, through these and other platforms that consumers already use on a daily basis and companies needed to adapt. Automation will be very useful to gain agility and scalability in the operation, leaving human intervention for more complex cases that need subjective variables for decision making.

In other words, it’s a mistake to think that AI and robots will replace human work, since it is still very important to solve more subjective problems in care.

And the scenario is increasingly favorable for technological propagation, since all this growth and perspective in the area is due to the various advantages that the market brings to companies and consumers, such as: 24-hour personalized service, reduction in operating costs, assistance in the purchase journey, quick and accurate answers and instantaneous resolution of doubts and problems. Thus, all these benefits are directly related to the growing search for agility and efficiency on the part of consumers.

However, with the change in user behavior, the challenges that companies face in implementing the solution are still huge. Many believe that use is limited to customer service (SAC), but technology can also be used to automate actions such as: lead generation, data collection, microservices, billing, research, marketing actions, recruiting, employee training , between others. In other words, there is a large market for the scaling of various activities, including customization of care through technology.

It is possible to notice an increase in the preference for some communication channels, such as messaging applications, in detriment of other more traditional channels, such as telephone and email. Because they are alternatives that sounds simpler for solving problems and because they are active in people’s daily lives, these new points of contact with consumers demand faster and more accurate responses from brands.



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