Understanding the TailRec in Kotlin

Newton dos Santos
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2023



Kotlin, a language known for its conciseness and expressiveness, offers a valuable feature known as tail recursion. Tail recursion optimizes recursive functions, making them more efficient and less prone to stack overflow errors. Let’s delve deeper into this concept using a practical example involving the calculation of factorial numbers.

Kotlin’s TAILREC can make your recursion more efficient and eliminate Stack Overflow errors.

Understanding Tail Recursion

Tail recursion is a specific type of recursion where the recursive call is the last action in the function. This allows the Kotlin compiler to optimize the function, transforming it into a loop — (Yeah, Kotlin will transform your tailrec function into a LOOP), which is more memory-efficient and reduces the risk of stack overflow.

The tailrec Modifier

Kotlin’s tailrec modifier is the key to implementing tail recursion. When a function is annotated with tailrec, it signals the Kotlin compiler to perform optimizations, provided that the function meets the criteria for tail recursion:

  1. Tail Position: The recursive call must be the last operation in the function.
  2. No Additional Computation: After the recursive call, there should be no additional computation or operations.

Pros and Cons of Tail Recursion


  • Performance: Converts recursive calls into loops, enhancing efficiency.
  • Safety: Significantly reduces and in practical terms, nullifies the risk of stack overflow, even in deep recursion scenarios.
  • Readability: Maintains a clean and comprehensible recursive logic.
  • Debugging Complexity: The stacktrace of exceptions and previous stack levels in debugging might lose some information, making it harder to trace issues.


  • Restrictive Structure: The recursive call must be in the tail position, sometimes leading to less intuitive code structures or requiring significant rethinking of certain algorithms.

Applying Tail Recursion: Factorial Calculation

To illustrate tail recursion in Kotlin, let’s consider the example of calculating factorials, specifically for large numbers using the BigInteger class.

import java.math.BigInteger

fun factorial(n: BigInteger): BigInteger {
return if (n == BigInteger.ONE) n
else n.multiply(factorial(n.minus(BigInteger.ONE)))

This traditional recursive method is not efficient for very large numbers and will likely result in a StackOverflowError.

Tail Recursive Approach

tailrec fun factorialTailRec(n: BigInteger, accumulator: BigInteger = BigInteger.ONE): BigInteger {
return if (n == BigInteger.ONE) accumulator else factorialTailRec(n.minus(BigInteger.ONE), n.multiply(accumulator))

Here, the tailrec modifier enables the compiler to optimize the recursion. The accumulator parameter holds the state, avoiding the need for multiple stack frames.

Performance Comparison: Tail Recursion vs. Standard Recursion

import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis

fun main() {
println("factorialTailRec: ${measureTimeMillis {
factorialTailRec(BigInteger("100000")) }} ms")
// Tail Recursion - efficiently handles large numbers

println("factorial: ${measureTimeMillis {
}} ms")
// Standard Recursion - likely to cause a StackOverflowError
//for large numbers

By running the example above, you might see that in some cases, the standard recursion can give you a slightly faster answer. But for a large amount of number, the regular recursion will likely cause a StackOverflowError


Tail recursion in Kotlin is an effective strategy for optimizing recursive functions. It makes them safer and more efficient, especially for calculations involving large numbers or deep recursion levels. Understanding tail recursion principles and the tailrec modifier is crucial for Kotlin developers aiming to utilize this feature to its fullest. Additionally, awareness of the potential for infinite recursion without failure and the implications for debugging is important for robust application development.

