Discover CTA Stickers for Page Stories on Facebook

Woop Social
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2019

Facebook Stories, though usage option, is growing. Sure, Stories are growing faster on Facebook’s other properties (Instagram and WhatsApp), but the company still sees Stories as the future of social interaction, and that eventually, the News Feed will stop being the main social sharing option.

Facebook has now released a new set of CTA stickers for Pages, which will allow businesses to make more effective use of the option via direct response tools.

Picture from Social Media Today

Pages can now prompt Stories viewers to ‘Shop Now’, ‘Get Directions’ or ‘Book’ directly from the Stories feed.

The option is very interesting for businesses considering how it’s possible to utilize Stories within a digital marketing process. Facebook and Messenger combined now have more than 3.5 billion users, yet only 300 million of them are bothering to check their Stories each day. That’s despite its prominent, top of screen placement — in fact, there’s not much more Facebook can do to make Stories more present in the app. And yet, fewer than 10% of users checking them out at all. Not a great endorsement of the option.

But do not ignore Facebook Stories — 300 million users using DAU is still significant. But it’s still unclear as to how relevant the Stories option will be for Facebook users, and whether it will, as Facebook has predicted, become the dominant sharing option in its main app.

These new CTA buttons, along with links in Stories (still in testing), the benefits for business promotion inside Facebook’s Stories may be significant, so it trying it’s a great idea!


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