Discover how to improve your brand voice

Woop Social
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3 min readJul 31, 2018

When your brand’s speech is consistent, the result is positive, because it leads customer experiences and turn him into a loyal customer too. But to get to this point, you must be sure that the customer gets a sense of your brand’s personality and what makes your brand different and right for him.

It’s possible to connect with your audience building emotional content, or talking about the universe your brand belong, because if you don’t show people your personality with a unique brand voice, you are not going to reach your goals.

The stats:

  • 75% of customers expect a consistent experience whenever they engage with a brand.
  • By 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator.
  • 54% of UK consumers feel loyal to a brand they feel understands them.
  • 70% of buying experiences are based on how consumers feel they are being treated.
  • Consumers are 4 times more likely to buy from a brand that makes a personal connection with them?

Understand now why your brand’s voice matter that much?

That said, if you’re just looking to start developing a unique brand voice and want to see what a difference it can make, then these three tips will help clarify your message, connect with customers and start differentiating yourself from the competition.

1. Make your message clear and simple

I know that’s so much easier said than done. But keep in mind that making your message clear for your readers, you keep the engagement and build emotional connection with them.

It’s important to make sure your brand voice speaks to your customers in an emotional way, because people that are deciding what to buy, wheren’t deciding with logic and reason. So if you give them a emotional content they rationalise the decision and look for a logical reason to trust their instincts.

2. Keep it real

Here two things are essential, being authentic and honest. Honesty does play a big part in the perceived authenticity of brands, but you got to keep in mind that consumers still expect more from brands, so remember you can’t lie to them.

So to develop a completely thurstable and authentic brand voice , there are some things you can do:

  • Understand your brand values and incorporate them into the way that your brand speech.
  • Be transparent.
  • Avoid using words that doesn’t matches to your brand universe.

3. Be consistent

Create a consistent brand voice will increase your revenue and make you appear more authentic. Remember that if your voice is all over the place you must be sure that everything is connected, because your public needs to understand you message.

To demonstrate authenticity, build a consistent brand voice and trust with your public. What means more interactions and sales.

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